I have developed a personality selection system on my github that is actully used in gpt4all-ui application. And i think that it would be a good idea to use the same library across the tools so that personalities can be shared between different environment.
The idea behind is to define a personality with:
Conditionning text, user prefix user suffix text, anti-prompts for stopping the model from halucinating, then a list of model assets.
For now the only asset I support is a logo to have an avatar for the personality, but I am working on a 3d avatar with commands (which means that the model will be able to control some motions of the avatar during the duscussion, like for example ((laugh)) or ((clap_hands)) that can be interpreted to animate the avatar)...
The library will evolve over time and has already a versionning system so that newer apis can always support older versions. And I want to make the format a standard so that people can use it and enhance it.
The library is still only in python but If you are willing to use it, i'll make you a cpp version over night if you want. Just need to know if this is interesting for you.
I alm planning also on adding code snippets for example you can make a personality have up ta date data by putting {{date}} in conditionning where the system will replace that with current date so that the personality knows what date it is. And we can add new commands over time.
I have already imported all my chatgpt-personality-selector personalities and organized them in my personalities zoo by language and by category.
If you want to do this, feel free to look at the examples. Just give me green light and I'll build cpp version.
Hi every one,
I have developed a personality selection system on my github that is actully used in gpt4all-ui application. And i think that it would be a good idea to use the same library across the tools so that personalities can be shared between different environment.
the library can be found here: https://github.com/ParisNeo/PyAIPersonality
The idea behind is to define a personality with: Conditionning text, user prefix user suffix text, anti-prompts for stopping the model from halucinating, then a list of model assets.
For now the only asset I support is a logo to have an avatar for the personality, but I am working on a 3d avatar with commands (which means that the model will be able to control some motions of the avatar during the duscussion, like for example ((laugh)) or ((clap_hands)) that can be interpreted to animate the avatar)...
The library will evolve over time and has already a versionning system so that newer apis can always support older versions. And I want to make the format a standard so that people can use it and enhance it.
The library is still only in python but If you are willing to use it, i'll make you a cpp version over night if you want. Just need to know if this is interesting for you.
I alm planning also on adding code snippets for example you can make a personality have up ta date data by putting {{date}} in conditionning where the system will replace that with current date so that the personality knows what date it is. And we can add new commands over time.
I have already imported all my chatgpt-personality-selector personalities and organized them in my personalities zoo by language and by category.
If you want to do this, feel free to look at the examples. Just give me green light and I'll build cpp version.
If you want to see how chatgpt-personality-selector work, you can give it a try: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chatgpt-personality-selec/jdmpccdlifdkhniemenfmieffkdblahk