Open rmwb opened 4 years ago
P.S. contact me if you need someone to re-host
Ouch! I updated without realising my pull request hadn't been approved. How is anyone using this plugin when every QR Code has the same URL. I'm suddenly getting confused customers paying for the wrong order again.
This seems to still be the case? I can't use this plugin in this state. Every order seems to have the same filename and file served? What can we do here?
Each order was referencing the same cached 'tmp_qrcode.png' image file which could have caused confusion and errors for those trying to use the QR code to pay. I've added the Order ID number to the filename to ensure a unique QR code is presented for each order. Busy sites may get clogged up with older QR codes after some time. Ideally, it would be good to somehow make these temporary.