nomnivore / ollama.nvim

A plugin for managing and integrating your ollama workflows in neovim.
MIT License
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Stop Server not working #22

Closed mvaldes14 closed 3 months ago

mvaldes14 commented 4 months ago

First of all thanks for the plugin, works great!. Added my prompts in a minute and they work as intended.

Now i have the problem that the server doesn't really stop as it's being launched with another user so the pkill -SIGTERM ollama won't work as it cannot destroy the process.

If I manually run OllamaServeStop it says the server is no longer running. But doing a check on my process list i can see this.

➜  ps -ef | grep ollama
ollama    628806       1  0 21:50 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/ollama serve

notice the user running the program.

If i try to stop it.

➜  pkill -SIGTERM ollama
pkill: killing pid 628806 failed: Operation not permitted

In theory plenary should have started the job with the same user that initiated neovim, so I'm a little confused.

nomnivore commented 4 months ago

So if I understand your issue correctly, plenary is running the start job under a different user, causing permissions issues?

mvaldes14 commented 4 months ago

basically yes - the ollama process is launched as the "ollama" user which is weird since the binary itself is owned by root.

➜  ll `which ollama`
.rwxr-xr-x 288M root 15 Feb 17:14  /usr/local/bin/ollama

➜  stat /usr/local/bin/ollama
  File: /usr/local/bin/ollama
  Size: 287837496       Blocks: 562192     IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 8,3     Inode: 9568257     Links: 1
Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)

But when the pkill command is sent, it cannot be stopped/killed since the user running neovim has no permissions over that process so the server keeps running in the background forever.

The plugin reports that the server is stopped since the exit code is 1 - Server is already stopped but in reality it is still running.

➜  pkill -SIGTERM ollama
pkill: killing pid 193844 failed: Operation not permitted

✗  echo $?

➜  ps -ef | grep ollama
ollama    193844       1  5 17:14 ?        00:00:13 /usr/local/bin/ollama serve
mvaldes14 commented 4 months ago

Did some further research and seems like the serve process is launched by the systemd unit so i guess that explains why it runs under another user.

For linux then we could maybe omit the nvim command since it won't work and will report false information.

nomnivore commented 3 months ago

I think it differs from system to system. On my end the serve process gets started by the user, so it can be stopped in the same way. The API connection works regardless.

My recommendation for now is to start/stop the ollama service separately from the plugin-provided commands if you have permissions/user issues.