nomnivore / ollama.nvim

A plugin for managing and integrating your ollama workflows in neovim.
MIT License
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setup codestral, packer nvim #35

Open nanvenomous opened 2 weeks ago

nanvenomous commented 2 weeks ago

I could use a little help with the setup

The Issue

My config

neovim verison: v0.10.0

return require('packer').startup(function(use)
  use 'nomnivore/ollama.nvim'
  use 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'

  cmd = { "Ollama", "OllamaModel", "OllamaServe", "OllamaServeStop" },
  opts = {
    model = "codestral",
    url = "",

I have run

ollama serve

the output of ollama list:

NAME                ID              SIZE    MODIFIED      
codestral:latest    fcc0019dcee9    12 GB   4 minutes ago   
llama3:latest       365c0bd3c000    4.7 GB  3 weeks ago     

I have confirmed that

ollama run codestral

works great