nomnomab / lc-project-patcher

A tool to generate a usable Unity project for Lethal Company modding.
GNU General Public License v3.0
34 stars 4 forks source link

After pacthering,all of the Scripts is Unavailable! #3

Closed apeng0907 closed 4 months ago

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

the associated script can not be loaded please fix any compile error and and assgin a vaild script image

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

And it generated 999+errors image

nomnomab commented 4 months ago

Hello, while it is good to show these errors, none of them are particularly useful.

Can you do the following?


apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

image When I completed this step and restarted, these errors appeared

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

Can you package and send me the contents of these two folders? Assets\LethalCompany\Game\Scripts Assets\LethalCompany\Game\Plugins

nomnomab commented 4 months ago

Can you package and send me the contents of these two folders? Assets\LethalCompany\Game\Scripts Assets\LethalCompany\Game\Plugins

No I cannot, as that would be distributing game assets.

However, something you can try is opening the tool (same location as step 3), clicking the Utility dropdown, and clicking the install button for the packages on the right-side. As it seems like they didn't install for you? Just a guess with the limited information here.

If that doesn't work, then I'll need a video of you running the tool in a new HDRP project, as well as the log file that produces (open the console window, right click the console tab and click Editor Log).

If you haven't watched the video linked above, I'd highly recommend watching it, as the first 8 minutes is a tutorial for this tool 👍

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago


apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

yes,I have tried the methods in the video three times, and the results are all like this

nomnomab commented 4 months ago

All of the errors in the log are pertaining to the packages. Install them with the instructions above.

If it still has issues after, send me a video with a new HDRP project running the tool from start to finish.

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

Can you tell me your email?thanks

nomnomab commented 4 months ago

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

OK,I have already sent the video

nomnomab commented 4 months ago

Ok so it seems the package installer doesn't seem to be properly installing the packages for you... somehow? (That step completed instantly so it seems like it got some false results or something).

I'll take a look at it, as everything else seems to have ran fine.

In that project you made a video of, can you expand the utility dropdown in the tool and show me the package list it has?

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

There are two differences from the video. One way is to install the LC project catcher is through unpacking the package. Another possibility is that it may be the installation of Git, as there is no detailed selection and introduction, it has always been the default installation method.

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago


apeng0907 commented 4 months ago


apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

I cannot use Add package from git URL. Because when I click add, there is no response

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

image So I downloaded the zip file from here

nomnomab commented 4 months ago

In that project you made a video of, can you expand the utility dropdown in the tool and show me the package list it has?

I'm asking you to show me this:


nomnomab commented 4 months ago

I cannot use Add package from git URL. Because when I click add, there is no response

What does "no response" mean here? Is there an error in the console?

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago


nomnomab commented 4 months ago

Ok so they aren't getting installed for some reason...

Does clicking install there (the button highlighted) put anything in the console?

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago


apeng0907 commented 4 months ago


nomnomab commented 4 months ago

Ok so the package manager API is just lying I guess.

Can you head to [ProjectName]\Packages\manifest.json and send me the file contents so I can see if there is anything different about yours?

After that, see if this works on your end (you'll need to replace the one with the one you have):

  "dependencies": {
    "": "file:C:/Users/nomno/Documents/Unity/2022.3.11f1/HDRP/LethalElevators/Assets/_Helpers/LCProjectValidator",
    "": "1.1.5",
    "com.unity.animation.rigging": "1.2.1",
    "com.unity.assetbundlebrowser": "",
    "com.unity.collab-proxy": "2.2.0",
    "com.unity.collections": "1.2.4",
    "com.unity.feature.development": "1.0.1",
    "com.unity.inputsystem": "1.7.0",
    "com.unity.netcode.gameobjects": "1.5.2",
    "com.unity.probuilder": "5.1.1",
    "com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition": "14.0.8",
    "com.unity.textmeshpro": "3.0.6",
    "com.unity.timeline": "1.7.5",
    "com.unity.ugui": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.visualscripting": "1.9.0",
    "": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.androidjni": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.animation": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.assetbundle": "1.0.0",
    "": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.cloth": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.director": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.imageconversion": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.imgui": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.jsonserialize": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.particlesystem": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.physics": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.physics2d": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.screencapture": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.terrain": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.terrainphysics": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.tilemap": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.ui": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.uielements": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.umbra": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.unityanalytics": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.unitywebrequest": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.unitywebrequestassetbundle": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.unitywebrequestaudio": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.unitywebrequesttexture": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.unitywebrequestwww": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.vehicles": "1.0.0",
    "": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.vr": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.wind": "1.0.0",
    "com.unity.modules.xr": "1.0.0"

This may need a new project to handle the script guids that were not present during the initial patch, but let's just see if they get properly loaded from this.

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago


apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

Thank you very much

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

image After replacing the content of my personal manifest.json file, it displays this

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

image But I actually installed git

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

image Is this the reason why git was not fully installed

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

image I am trying to “run pacther” again

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago


apeng0907 commented 4 months ago


apeng0907 commented 4 months ago


apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

Can I ignore those errors and continue making my planet

nomnomab commented 4 months ago

Have you installed git recently, and have you restarted your pc or restarted Unity & Unity Hub since then? Otherwise it won't update it for Unity and it will think you don't have it.

Either way, that git package in the manifest is just for building asset bundles easily, so if git just doesn't play nice on your machine then you can remove it from the manifest file, and build them in whatever way you prefer.

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

Thank you very much for your patient answer. I have learned a lot during the communication process! It should be due to network issues that I am unable to use Git properly, In the end, I used Git to input the following code and then restarted the Unity Hub to resolve the issue git config --global http.proxy

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

I'm very sorry to bother you again. After I went to build through assetbundles, I entered the game in the editor and entered moons, but couldn't find my planet

nomnomab commented 4 months ago

I don't know much about custom moons and such (I just make the editor tools), so if you are using something like LLL, I'd ask Batby in his discord thread about it.

You can find that here:

apeng0907 commented 4 months ago

With your help, I made my first moon, thank you very much! I want to continue improving it, so I would like to ask if you have any usage introductions or use cases about other components, as I want to do some triggering events in the map