Basil plant on windowsill, once clicked, zoom in and input box appears. User is supposed to count the number of leaves and input them.
Punnett square problem on promethean: solve: YY by Yy square, with only one square left empty.
Blood pool on floor, once clicked, DNA sequence, plus the DNA of 3 people. Maybe also include pictures of faces next to the DNA to show that they are people? Choices are Mic Coopers, Nat Beci, and Ked Pots.
Once the correct choice is clicked, the other people disappear and Mic Coopers letters switch around randomly.
Should switch back to picture of whole room after this
Once user clicks on the microscope, it zooms in. Switches to a view looking into a microscope, under user sees a Mr Goehring meme.
Audio hint plays: What is a CFU + a CFU, etc. Input box appears, once correct answer is entered, last question appears.
What are Goehring units? (input box appears) No matter what they enter, the answer is, “False. Goehring Units do not exist. You’ve been yeeted.”
Mr. Goehring audio: Well now that I’ve crushed your dreams, here’s your thingie.
**The Dr. Taliff puzzle was written in a confusing way because we made changes to it after the fact that messed up the rest of the puzzle. It might take me a little while to figure it out.
Mr. Goehring
**The Dr. Taliff puzzle was written in a confusing way because we made changes to it after the fact that messed up the rest of the puzzle. It might take me a little while to figure it out.