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Change to launching monerode with --log-level 2 #24

Open Mitchellpkt opened 6 years ago

Mitchellpkt commented 6 years ago

Right now launches with --log-level 0

I think level 2 gives more output? Is this right?

It will need to be updated in and the node instruction document.

Mitchellpkt commented 6 years ago

@neptuneresearch @serhack Thoughts?

Mitchellpkt commented 6 years ago

Actually, --log-level 2 is extremely verbose... Maybe just 1

serhack commented 6 years ago

I agree with you. --log-level 1 is fine 👍

Mitchellpkt commented 6 years ago

Before we finalize this...

Perhaps we could run a daemon for 24 h at varying log levels and compare the space requirements.

Can we fill out this table:

*--log-level*      //     *daily_log_size*
   level 0                    ?? MB/day
   level 1                    ?? MB/day
   level 2                    ?? MB/day
Mitchellpkt commented 6 years ago

I can run this experiment, or let somebody else handle it. @serhack could we earmark one of the nodes for this kind of analysis for a few days (maybe Tokyo? Let me know if you have a preference or are working on one.)

serhack commented 6 years ago

The MAP-TOKYO-0 node could be OKAY. Before running the script, capture the disk size from Graphana. During the tests, MAP-TOKYO-0 can't install / update any program or manage any files besides the log file.

neptuneresearch commented 6 years ago

We could use the codebase to see what messages appear in each level.

Internally, these are calls to log functions by their level name. At a quick glance I see Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal, Trace. So you could grep the codebase for all Trace calls for instance to see everything it puts under the Trace log level.

I could get together a list for you to cherry-pick. Or you could let me know your interested parameters i.e. you need IP addresses, ... Or you can grep the codebase :)

The log messages could be a significant data source, and this way we would make a definite specification between the daemon log messaging and our analysis, working from the set of all messaging down to just what we want, instead of having to do multiple runs and working backwards from heterogeneous outputs.

FYI I have a 3 week logfile at log level 0 and its size is 16 MB.

Mitchellpkt commented 6 years ago

@serhack - nifty to watch from Graphana. I was going to compare the size of the log files themselves, but your method will let us see if anything else weird changes with that.

@neptuneresearch - I cannot find any good notes about the --log-level flag or its various levels. That sounds like a good side project, if you want to poke at the codebase and assemble some documentation. Perhapse we could start collecting that info in the wiki??

It would be good to see how --log-level 1 versus --log-level 2 record the following events:

Mitchellpkt commented 6 years ago

Thanks @neptuneresearch - adding 16 MB / 21 d ~ 0.75 MB/day to the table

*--log-level*      //        *daily_log_size*
   level 0                    0.75 MB/day (NR)
   level 1                    ?? MB/day
   level 2                    ?? MB/day
neptuneresearch commented 6 years ago

Ok I can make this list.

Not sure about in 2 days though, so don't wait to get any logs going in the meantime. I can tell you more about any specific log messages, as well. I'd just go look at the code surrounding them.

Mitchellpkt commented 6 years ago

Cool. @neptuneresearch - 2 days??? This is very low priority.

I'm going to do the logsize tests, and jot down the events listed above.

I'll write up notes based on that, then pass them off to you (well, the wiki) and you can add anything else that you find in the code.

Definitely no rush.

Mitchellpkt commented 6 years ago

Looks like logs compress pretty well...

$ ls -la
-rw-r--r--  1 m m   4022961 Jul 27 11:42 bitmonero-TOKYO-1day.7z
-rw-r--r--  1 m m 104850022 Jul 27 11:38 bitmonero-TOKYO-1day.log
-rw-r--r--  1 m m   4023824 Jul 27 11:42 bitmonero-TOKYO-1day.tar.xz
-rw-r--r--  1 m m   6801306 Jul 27 11:41

We could have a compressor script that keeps an eye on ~/.bitmonero/, and whenever it sees a <filename> that matches bitmonero.log-*. it executes

tar -cf <filename>.tar <filename>
xz -z <filename>.tar
rm <filename>
neptuneresearch commented 6 years ago

Oh, please note the 16 MB figure was from the archive daemon which additionally logs:

So you will not see this extra size on the stock daemon.

I was actually just changing around the archive logging. In version 6 I currently have:

Note: the 00.. stands for a number, the length may not be accurate in this example.

Comments on the Block message? Anything else you would like to see in it?

neptuneresearch commented 6 years ago

For the record, it looks like the archive daemon logs archive messages under the Info level to the global log.

Mitchellpkt commented 6 years ago

That looks good. I am extremely eager to have MRT/NRT information.

If it won't hold up the patch timeline, then it would be natural to record peer information alongside the NRT for each copy. However if that would set you back more than an hour or two, just save it for the following version of the patch. Since we're totally blind at the moment, [patch without peer info, soon] >> [patch with peer info, later]

neptuneresearch commented 6 years ago

Yea, no peer info, I haven't researched that yet. Probably when I do the log messaging analysis.

Mitchellpkt commented 6 years ago

Realized that --log-level 4 contains data we've been looking for (txn_hash + txn_NRT for first copy), so we can get more mileage out of the logging than we realized.

It would be cleaner to set custom categories rather than overkill --log-level 4 with extraction. Notes from stoffu in MRL about acomplishing this:

Stoffu Noether > See for a detailed explanation.

For example, you can set --log-level 0,*net*:DEBUG to specifically make any log categories containing net such as net.p2p print debug level logs.

Since I'm tied up with Mastering Monero right now, I just let a new node sync from scratch with monerod-archive and --log-level 4 ... Once I finish a few more chapters, I'll dig through that those logfiles to document desired information and specification by input flag.

neptuneresearch commented 6 years ago

Edit: I moved this information to the Wiki at Monerod Log Levels.

IMO, *:TRACE (log level > 3) is a lot, maybe we could lower the noise-to-signal ratio if we only :TRACE what we need and otherwise use *:WARNING.

neptuneresearch commented 5 years ago

@IsthmusCrypto just to touch base on this, we are log level 1 currently until you go through the above doc and pick out more categories [if] you want.