nonzzz / vite-plugin-cdn

replace module with CDN. work with vite.
MIT License
73 stars 5 forks source link

not suppoert vite 4.4.5? #17

Closed ywzhaiqi closed 11 months ago

ywzhaiqi commented 11 months ago
> set DEBUG=vite-plugin-cdn2 && vite build

  vite-plugin-cdn2 start scanning +0ms
  vite-plugin-cdn2 scanning done Map(0) {} +337ms
vite-plugin-cdn2: vue __require.resolve is not a function
vite v4.4.5 building for production...

mini demo:

nonzzz commented 11 months ago

It's seems like require.resolve can't process right esm code caused. I check the codesandbox. I will create a new patch version.

nonzzz commented 11 months ago

0.9.3 has been released. Bump the version can work @ywzhaiqi