We have a use case to test Noobaa-endpoint with multiple replicas. We tried with autoscaler: hpav2 along with minCount(2) and maxCount(4) in the Noobaa spec definition. We can't see that configuration resulting to multiple pods defined in minCount(2).
How to get nooba-endpoints with multiple replicas with HPA or without HPA? I guess the HPA is not set by default here, the minCount and maxCount in the noobaa CR is not obeyed by the noobaa-operator 5.15.2.
Even after adding autoscaler definition, looks like it require Prometheus, we don't know why and looking for it to work without mentioning prometheusNamespace.
Environment : Minikube Version : noobaa 5.15.2
We have a use case to test Noobaa-endpoint with multiple replicas. We tried with autoscaler: hpav2 along with minCount(2) and maxCount(4) in the Noobaa spec definition. We can't see that configuration resulting to multiple pods defined in minCount(2).
Nobba spec definition:-
We can see the following in the operator log.
How to get nooba-endpoints with multiple replicas with HPA or without HPA? I guess the HPA is not set by default here, the minCount and maxCount in the noobaa CR is not obeyed by the noobaa-operator 5.15.2.
Here at https://github.com/noobaa/noobaa-operator/blob/master/deploy/crds/noobaa.io_noobaas.yaml#L965-L970 ; it say hpav2 is default, but then seems like its not.
Even after adding autoscaler definition, looks like it require Prometheus, we don't know why and looking for it to work without mentioning prometheusNamespace.
Please help.