noobaa / noobaa-operator

Operator for NooBaa - object data service for hybrid and multi cloud environments :cloud: :wrench:
Apache License 2.0
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why noobaa install stuck in creating noobaa-core sts #973

Open arminzqm opened 2 years ago

arminzqm commented 2 years ago

[root@test-node ~]# noobaa status INFO[0000] CLI version: 5.10.1 INFO[0000] noobaa-image: INFO[0000] operator-image: noobaa/noobaa-operator:5.10.1 INFO[0000] noobaa-db-image: INFO[0000] Namespace: default INFO[0000] INFO[0000] CRD Status: INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: CustomResourceDefinition "" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: CustomResourceDefinition "" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: CustomResourceDefinition "" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: CustomResourceDefinition "" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: CustomResourceDefinition "" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: CustomResourceDefinition "" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: CustomResourceDefinition "" INFO[0000] INFO[0000] Operator Status: INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: Namespace "default" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: ServiceAccount "noobaa" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: ServiceAccount "noobaa-endpoint" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: Role "noobaa" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: Role "noobaa-endpoint" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: RoleBinding "noobaa" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: RoleBinding "noobaa-endpoint" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: ClusterRole "" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: ClusterRoleBinding "" INFO[0000] ⬛ (Optional) Not Found: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration "admission-validation-webhook" INFO[0000] ⬛ (Optional) Not Found: Secret "admission-webhook-secret" INFO[0000] ⬛ (Optional) Not Found: Service "admission-webhook-service" INFO[0000] ✅ Exists: Deployment "noobaa-operator" INFO[0000] INFO[0000] System Wait Ready: INFO[0000] ⏳ System Phase is "Creating". StatefulSet "noobaa-core" is not found yet INFO[0003] ⏳ System Phase is "Creating". StatefulSet "noobaa-core" is not found yet INFO[0006] ⏳ System Phase is "Creating". StatefulSet "noobaa-core" is not found yet

[root@test-node~]# kubectl get all NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/noobaa-operator-767cbf95c-z76xz 1/1 Running 0 18m

NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/kubernetes ClusterIP 443/TCP 4h52m

NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/noobaa-operator 1/1 1 1 18m

NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/noobaa-operator-767cbf95c 1 1 1 18m

guymguym commented 2 years ago

Hi @arminzqm - You should check for issues in the logs of the operator: kubectl logs noobaa-operator. Tnx

arminzqm commented 2 years ago

Hi @arminzqm - You should check for issues in the logs of the operator: kubectl logs noobaa-operator. Tnx

Here is the log from operator:

[root@test-node ~]# kubectl logs noobaa-operator-767cbf95c-z76xz time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="Start NooBaa system Reconcile ..." sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="✅ Exists: NooBaa \"noobaa\"\n" time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=error msg="Failed to append \"/var/run/secrets/\" to RootCAs: open /var/run/secrets/ no such file or directory" time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="Memory Usage: Phase \"Starting\" - Alloc = 12 MiB Sys = 35 MiB NumGC = 6310" sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="SetPhase: \"Verifying\"" sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="Parsed image (NamedTagged) noobaa/noobaa-core:5.10.1" func=CheckSystemCR sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="Parsed version \"5.10.1\" from image tag \"5.10.1\"" func=CheckSystemCR sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="SetPhase: \"Creating\"" sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="ReconcileObject: Done - unchanged ServiceAccount noobaa " sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="ReconcileObject: Done - unchanged ConfigMap noobaa-config " sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=warning msg="Discovery of OAuth endpoints failed, got: Get \"https://openshift.default.svc/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server\": dial tcp: lookup openshift.default.svc on no such host" sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="ReconcileObject: Done - unchanged Secret noobaa-server " sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="ReconcileObject: Done - unchanged Secret noobaa-db " sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="setKMSConditionType k8s" sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="setKMSConditionStatus Sync" sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="ReconcileObject: Done - unchanged ConfigMap noobaa-postgres-initdb-sh " sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="ReconcileObject: Done - unchanged ConfigMap noobaa-postgres-config " sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=error msg="got error finding a default/local storage class. error: Error: found no LSO storage class and no storage class was marked as default" sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=error msg="ReconcileObject: Error StatefulSet Error: found no LSO storage class and no storage class was marked as default" sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="SetPhase: temporary error during phase \"Creating\"" sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=warning msg="⏳ Temporary Error: Error: found no LSO storage class and no storage class was marked as default" sys=default/noobaa time="2022-08-24T05:22:41Z" level=info msg="UpdateStatus: Done generation 1" sys=default/noobaa

guymguym commented 2 years ago

@arminzqm great, the last error message says it all...