noobient / killinuxfloor

noobient's Killing Floor 2 Linux Server Installer and Manager
MIT License
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Investigate possibility of pushing webadmin changes to own config #31

Open bviktor opened 5 years ago

bviktor commented 5 years ago

yum install inotify-tools


inotifywait -m -e modify foo.txt

If only I could log the changes...

inotifywait --quiet --monitor --event modify FILE | while read; do
    # trim the trailing space from inotifywait output
    REPLY=${REPLY% }
    filename=${REPLY%% *}
    # do whatever you want with the $filename
bviktor commented 5 years ago

Maybe we should save the default files everytime we run killinuxfloor reset, then when inotify says there's a change, make a diff, and apply the diff to the My-* files?

bviktor commented 5 years ago

But then what about map cycles? We store them in a custom file... duh.

bviktor commented 5 years ago

Maybe we should make them read-only in webadmin, much like bans?

bviktor commented 5 years ago

Nah, instead, we should make everything editable in webadmin. Then we don't have to deal with command line at all. But then we gotta find a way to make the 2 "default" cycles immutable.

bviktor commented 5 years ago


    cycleId = "<%maplistidx%>";
    document.getElementById("simpleEditBtn").hidden = true;
    if (cycleId <= 1)
        document.getElementById("").hidden = true;
        document.getElementById("mlactions.delete").hidden = true;
        document.getElementById("jsmlctrls").hidden = true;
        document.getElementById("jsmapcycle").readOnly = true;

        //var element = document.getElementById("jsmapcycle");

        /* remove the delete buttons reactively
         * ugly, but this way we can avoid touching js files */
        []'.deleteButton'), function (el)
   = 'hidden';

        //[]'.ui-droppable'), function (el)
        //    el.classList.remove("ui-droppable");
bviktor commented 5 years ago

Still needs work, gotta disable drag-n-drop somehow.

bviktor commented 5 years ago

The responsible code in default_maplist_editor.js:

    /* cycle map reordering */
        axis: "y",
        containment: "parent",
        cancel: ".deleteButton",
        start: function(ev, ui) {
        stop: function(ev, ui) {

    /* cycle map dropping */
        accept: "li.mapEntry",
        hoverClass: "dropHover",
        activeClass: "droppable",
        drop: function(ev, ui) {
            var item = $('.entry', ui.draggable).text();
            item = createMapListEntry(item);

Without these it works perfectly, but this is, again, JS, so you can't patch it, coz it's served as gzip...

But in the meanwhile I realized it's not even a problem, because the save button is already hidden, so apart from UI glitches, nothing wrong can happen.

bviktor commented 5 years ago

Uh, this may not necessarily work because there are several keys with multiple values and crudini just won't work with those :(