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9. Deposit #10

Open grrrrreee opened 5 years ago

grrrrreee commented 5 years ago

Have to decide how to deposit, return and burn.

Each address can have their own matching deposit account. [input] =(hasing)=>[output] // [output] will be the account for putting deposit in it.

We will define original account as OA and [output] as DA(stands for Deposit Account).


You can deposit whenever you want. The proportion of being shooter depends on amount of deposit. Only total amount of deposit is showed so that others can't figure out how much deposit I did.


///////////** It's hard to return their deposit. After snapshot produced, all the timestamp information will be gone. **///////////

It happens only someone's freewill.

i) Sum of input and output in a single transaction will be zero. ii) Rangeproof is not applied at the below transaction.

First, send certain amount of money from OA to DA. (as deposit) Second, when someone wants to get their money back from deposit, they trigger a transaction. Third, the transaction looks like sending minus account to DA. (e.g. OA =(-30)=> DA) Fourth, after finalized the transaction completed. (e.g OA adds 30 , DA loses 30)

**minus amount**


It happens when someone produced snapshot but failed to be selected. Followed after Burn governance.

When someone try to abuse and do obstacle behaviors. Especially, when someone's snapshot is not chosen. All decisions are made through governance.