pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
while (!Serial) ; // Wait for serial port to be available
Serial.println("program is going to execute");
//nodeId =;
nodeId = 1;
if (nodeId > 10) {
Serial.print(F("EEPROM nodeId invalid: "));
nodeId = 1;
Serial.print(F("initializing node "));
manager = new RHMesh(rf95, nodeId);
const __FlashStringHelper* getErrorString(uint8_t error) {
switch(error) {
case 1: return F("invalid length");
case 2: return F("no route");
case 3: return F("timeout");
case 4: return F("no reply");
case 5: return F("unable to deliver");
return F("unknown");
void updateRoutingTable() {
for(uint8_t n=1;n<=N_NODES;n++) {
RHRouter::RoutingTableEntry *route = manager->getRouteTo(n);
if (n == nodeId) {
routes[n-1] = 255; // self
} else {
routes[n-1] = route->next_hop;
if (routes[n-1] == 0) {
// if we have no route to the node, reset the received signal strength
rssi[n-1] = 0;
// Create a JSON string with the routing info to each node
void getRouteInfoString(char *p, size_t len) {
p[0] = '\0';
strcat(p, "[");
for(uint8_t n=1;n<=N_NODES;n++) {
strcat(p, "{\"n\":");
sprintf(p+strlen(p), "%d", routes[n-1]);
strcat(p, ",");
strcat(p, "\"r\":");
sprintf(p+strlen(p), "%d", rssi[n-1]);
strcat(p, "}");
if (n<N_NODES) {
strcat(p, ",");
strcat(p, "]");
for(uint8_t n=1;n<=N_NODES;n++) {
if (n == nodeId) continue; // self
getRouteInfoString(buf, RH_MESH_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN);
Serial.print(F(" :"));
// send an acknowledged message to the target node
uint8_t error = manager->sendtoWait((uint8_t *)buf, strlen(buf), n);
if (error != RH_ROUTER_ERROR_NONE) {
Serial.print(F(" ! "));
} else {
Serial.println(F(" OK"));
// we received an acknowledgement from the next hop for the node we tried to send to.
RHRouter::RoutingTableEntry *route = manager->getRouteTo(n);
if (route->next_hop != 0) {
rssi[route->next_hop-1] = rf95.lastRssi();
if (nodeId == 1) printNodeInfo(nodeId, buf); // debugging
// listen for incoming messages. Wait a random amount of time before we transmit
// again to the next node
unsigned long nextTransmit = millis() + random(3000, 5000);
while (nextTransmit > millis()) {
int waitTime = nextTransmit - millis();
uint8_t len = sizeof(buf);
uint8_t from;
if (manager->recvfromAckTimeout((uint8_t *)buf, &len, waitTime, &from)) {
buf[len] = '\0'; // null terminate string
Serial.print(F(" :"));
if (nodeId == 1) printNodeInfo(from, buf); // debugging
// we received data from node 'from', but it may have actually come from an intermediate node
RHRouter::RoutingTableEntry *route = manager->getRouteTo(from);
if (route->next_hop != 0) {
rssi[route->next_hop-1] = rf95.lastRssi();
This is OUTPUT-
program is going to execute
initializing node init successful
Set frequency successful
RF95 ready
->2 :[{"n":255,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0}]
! no route
node: {"1": [{"n":255,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0}]}
->3 :[{"n":255,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0}]
The problem is that I am not getting noe no. and rsi values of the nodes. I am using 4 nodes. Please help and thanks in advance.
I am using arduino nano and AI-Thinker SX1278 RF RA-02 lora module.
This is my code-
define LED 13
define N_NODES 4
uint8_t nodeId; uint8_t routes[N_NODES]; // full routing table for mesh int16_t rssi[N_NODES]; // signal strength info
define RFM95_CS 10
define RFM95_RST 9
define RFM95_INT 2
// Singleton instance of the radio driver RH_RF95 rf95(RFM95_CS,RFM95_INT);
// Class to manage message delivery and receipt, using the driver declared above RHMesh *manager;
// message buffer char buf[RH_MESH_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN];
/int freeMem() { extern int __heap_start, brkval; int v; return (int) &v - (brkval == 0 ? (int) &__heap_start : (int) __brkval); }*/
void setup() { randomSeed(analogRead(A0));
//pinMode(9, OUTPUT); // digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
pinMode(RFM95_RST, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(RFM95_RST, HIGH);
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial) ; // Wait for serial port to be available Serial.println("program is going to execute"); //nodeId =; nodeId = 1; if (nodeId > 10) { Serial.print(F("EEPROM nodeId invalid: ")); Serial.println(nodeId); nodeId = 1; } Serial.print(F("initializing node ")); delay(1000); manager = new RHMesh(rf95, nodeId);
digitalWrite(RFM95_RST, LOW); delay(10); digitalWrite(RFM95_RST, HIGH); delay(10);
if (!manager->init()) { //if (!rf95.init()) { Serial.println(F("init failed")); } else { Serial.println("init successful"); } rf95.setTxPower(23, false); rf95.setFrequency(433.0); //rf95.setCADTimeout(500);
//////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!rf95.setFrequency(433.0)) {
Serial.println("setFrequency failed");
while (1);
} else{ Serial.println("Set frequency successful"); }
// Possible configurations: // Bw125Cr45Sf128 (the chip default) // Bw500Cr45Sf128 // Bw31_25Cr48Sf512 // Bw125Cr48Sf4096
// long range configuration requires for on-air time boolean longRange = false; if (longRange) { RH_RF95::ModemConfig modem_config = { 0x78, // Reg 0x1D: BW=125kHz, Coding=4/8, Header=explicit 0xC4, // Reg 0x1E: Spread=4096chips/symbol, CRC=enable 0x08 // Reg 0x26: LowDataRate=On, Agc=Off. 0x0C is LowDataRate=ON, ACG=ON }; rf95.setModemRegisters(&modem_config); if (!rf95.setModemConfig(RH_RF95::Bw125Cr45Sf128)) { Serial.println(F("set config failed")); } }
Serial.println("RF95 ready");
for(uint8_t n=1;n<=N_NODES;n++) { routes[n-1] = 0; rssi[n-1] = 0; }
const __FlashStringHelper* getErrorString(uint8_t error) { switch(error) { case 1: return F("invalid length"); break; case 2: return F("no route"); break; case 3: return F("timeout"); break; case 4: return F("no reply"); break; case 5: return F("unable to deliver"); break; } return F("unknown"); }
void updateRoutingTable() { for(uint8_t n=1;n<=N_NODES;n++) { RHRouter::RoutingTableEntry *route = manager->getRouteTo(n); if (n == nodeId) { routes[n-1] = 255; // self } else { routes[n-1] = route->next_hop; if (routes[n-1] == 0) { // if we have no route to the node, reset the received signal strength rssi[n-1] = 0; } } } }
// Create a JSON string with the routing info to each node void getRouteInfoString(char *p, size_t len) { p[0] = '\0'; strcat(p, "["); for(uint8_t n=1;n<=N_NODES;n++) { strcat(p, "{\"n\":"); sprintf(p+strlen(p), "%d", routes[n-1]); strcat(p, ","); strcat(p, "\"r\":"); sprintf(p+strlen(p), "%d", rssi[n-1]); strcat(p, "}"); if (n<N_NODES) { strcat(p, ","); } } strcat(p, "]"); }
void printNodeInfo(uint8_t node, char *s) { Serial.print(F("node: ")); Serial.print(F("{")); Serial.print(F("\"")); Serial.print(node); Serial.print(F("\"")); Serial.print(F(": ")); Serial.print(s); Serial.println(F("}")); }
void loop() {
for(uint8_t n=1;n<=N_NODES;n++) { if (n == nodeId) continue; // self
This is OUTPUT-
program is going to execute initializing node init successful Set frequency successful RF95 ready ->2 :[{"n":255,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0}] ! no route node: {"1": [{"n":255,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0}]} ->3 :[{"n":255,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0},{"n":0,"r":0}]
The problem is that I am not getting noe no. and rsi values of the nodes. I am using 4 nodes. Please help and thanks in advance.