Open krishank652 opened 9 months ago
It looks like Serial.print is not working correctly.
It looks like Serial.print is not working correctly.
Thanks for the reply. For this what I need to do? Is I need to change baud rate or anything other things?
I've never used ATTINY804, so I don't know.
This is not directly related to the problem, but why would you want to use ATTINY804?
I've never used ATTINY804, so I don't know.
This is not directly related to the problem, but why would you want to use ATTINY804?
I am building a wirless water level indicator device, and want to use AA type battery in transmitter device, I choosen ATTINY804 MCU because its power consumption is low, also I am able to program it.
I tried with Arduino UNO But still facing problem.
Components Using:
Wiring Connection that I am using.:
Transmitter Device Code:
#include <Ra01S.h>
#define RF_FREQUENCY 433000000 // Hz center frequency
//#define RF_FREQUENCY 866000000 // Hz center frequency
//#define RF_FREQUENCY 915000000 // Hz center frequency
#define TX_OUTPUT_POWER 22 // dBm tx output power
#define LORA_BANDWIDTH 4 // bandwidth
// 2: 31.25Khz
// 3: 62.5Khz
// 4: 125Khz
// 5: 250KHZ
// 6: 500Khz
#define LORA_SPREADING_FACTOR 7 // spreading factor [SF5..SF12]
#define LORA_CODINGRATE 1 // [1: 4/5,
// 2: 4/6,
// 3: 4/7,
// 4: 4/8]
#define LORA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH 8 // Same for Tx and Rx
#define LORA_PAYLOADLENGTH 0 // 0: Variable length packet (explicit header)
// 1..255 Fixed length packet (implicit header)
#if 1
* for ATmega328/2560
* VCC 3V3/3V3
* SCK 13/52
* MISO 12/50
* MOSI 11/51
* NSS 5/5
* RST 6/6
* BUSY 7/7
SX126x lora(10, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select
6, //Port-Pin Output: Reset
7 //Port-Pin Input: Busy
#endif // ATmega328/2560
// #if 0
* for ESP8266
* VCC 3V3
//SX126x lora(10, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select
// 6, //Port-Pin Output: Reset
// 7 //Port-Pin Input: Busy
// );
//#endif // ESP8266
void setup()
int16_t ret = lora.begin(RF_FREQUENCY, //frequency in Hz
TX_OUTPUT_POWER); //tx power in dBm
int16_t ret = lora.begin(RF_FREQUENCY, //frequency in Hz
TX_OUTPUT_POWER, //tx power in dBm
3.3, //use TCXO
true); //use TCXO
if (ret != ERR_NONE) while(1) {delay(1);}
true, //crcOn
false); //invertIrq
void loop()
uint8_t txData[255];
sprintf((char *)txData, "Hello World %lu", millis());
uint8_t len = strlen((char *)txData);
// Wait for transmission to complete
if (lora.Send(txData, len, SX126x_TXMODE_SYNC)) {
//Serial.println("Send success");
} else {
Serial.println("Send fail");
// Do not wait for the transmission to be completed
//lora.Send(txData, len, SX126x_TXMODE_ASYNC );
Serial Monitor Data:
I uncommented the lora.Debut.Print(true);
line. Got Serial Monitor Result:
17:34:18.828 -> begin
17:34:18.828 -> debugPrint=1
17:34:18.828 -> SX126x_SPI_SELECT=10
17:34:18.828 -> SX126x_RESET=6
17:34:18.828 -> SX126x_BUSY=7
17:34:18.828 -> SX126x_TXEN=-1
17:34:18.828 -> SX126x_RXEN=-1
17:34:18.874 -> Reset
17:34:18.874 -> ReadRegister: REG=0x740 DataIn: 14 24
17:34:18.874 -> syncWord=0x1424
17:34:18.874 -> SX126x installed
17:34:18.874 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x80 DataOut: 0-->A2
17:34:18.874 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x9D DataOut: 1-->A2
17:34:18.874 -> tcxoVoltage=3.30
17:34:18.874 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x97 DataOut: 7-->A2 0-->A2 1-->A2 40-->A2
17:34:18.874 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x89 DataOut: 7F-->A2
17:34:18.874 -> useRegulatorLDO=1
17:34:18.874 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x96 DataOut: 0-->AA
17:34:18.874 -> SPI Transaction error:10
17:34:18.874 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x96 DataOut: 0-->A2
17:34:18.874 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8F DataOut: 0-->A2 0-->A2
17:34:18.921 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x95 DataOut: 4-->A2 7-->A2 0-->A2 1-->A2
17:34:18.921 -> WriteRegister: REG=0x8E7 DataOut: 18
17:34:18.921 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8E DataOut: 16-->A2 4-->A2
17:34:18.921 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x98 DataOut: 6B-->A2 6F-->A2
17:34:18.921 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x86 DataOut: 1B-->AA
17:34:18.921 -> SPI Transaction error:10
17:34:18.921 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x86 DataOut: 1B-->A2 10-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2
17:34:18.921 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x9F DataOut: 0-->A2
17:34:18.921 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0xA0 DataOut: 0-->A2
17:34:18.921 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8A DataOut: 1-->A2
17:34:18.921 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8B DataOut: 7-->A2 4-->A2 1-->A2 0-->A2
17:34:18.921 -> ReadRegister: REG=0x736 DataIn: D
17:34:18.968 -> WriteRegister: REG=0x736 DataOut: 9
17:34:18.968 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8C DataOut: 0-->A2 8-->A2 0-->A2 FF-->A2 1-->A2 0-->A2
17:34:18.968 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8 DataOut: 3-->A2 FF-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2
17:34:18.968 -> ----- SetRx timeout=16777215
17:34:18.968 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x80 DataOut: 0-->A2
17:34:18.968 -> SetRxEnable:SX126x_TXEN=-1 SX126x_RXEN=-1
17:34:18.968 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x82 DataOut: FF-->A2 FF-->A2 FF-->A2
17:34:18.968 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
17:34:18.968 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
17:34:18.968 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
17:34:18.968 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
17:34:19.016 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
17:34:19.016 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
17:34:19.016 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
17:34:19.016 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
17:34:19.016 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
17:34:19.016 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
17:34:19.016 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
17:34:19.016 -> SetRx Illegal Status
Receiver Device Code:
#include <Ra01S.h>
#define RF_FREQUENCY 433000000 // Hz center frequency
//#define RF_FREQUENCY 866000000 // Hz center frequency
//#define RF_FREQUENCY 915000000 // Hz center frequency
#define TX_OUTPUT_POWER 22 // dBm tx output power
#define LORA_BANDWIDTH 4 // bandwidth
// 2: 31.25Khz
// 3: 62.5Khz
// 4: 125Khz
// 5: 250KHZ
// 6: 500Khz
#define LORA_SPREADING_FACTOR 7 // spreading factor [SF5..SF12]
#define LORA_CODINGRATE 1 // [1: 4/5,
// 2: 4/6,
// 3: 4/7,
// 4: 4/8]
#define LORA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH 8 // Same for Tx and Rx
#define LORA_PAYLOADLENGTH 0 // 0: Variable length packet (explicit header)
// 1..255 Fixed length packet (implicit header)
#if 1
* for ATmega328/2560
* VCC 3V3
* SCK 13
* MISO 12
* MOSI 11
* NSS 5
* RST 6
* BUSY 7
SX126x lora(10, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select
6, //Port-Pin Output: Reset
7 //Port-Pin Input: Busy
#endif // ATmega328/2560
//#if 0
* for ESP8266
* VCC 3V3
//SX126x lora(2, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select
// 0, //Port-Pin Output: Reset
// 16 //Port-Pin Input: Busy
// );
// #endif // ESP8266
void setup()
int16_t ret = lora.begin(RF_FREQUENCY, //frequency in Hz
TX_OUTPUT_POWER); //tx power in dBm
if (ret != ERR_NONE) while(1) {delay(1);}
true, //crcOn
false); //invertIrq
void loop()
uint8_t rxData[255];
uint8_t rxLen = lora.Receive(rxData, 255);
if ( rxLen > 0 )
Serial.print("Receive rxLen:");
for(int i=0;i< rxLen;i++) {
Serial.print(rxData[i], HEX);
Serial.print(" ");
for(int i=0;i< rxLen;i++) {
if (rxData[i] > 0x19 && rxData[i] < 0x7F) {
char myChar = rxData[i];
} else {
int8_t rssi, snr;
lora.GetPacketStatus(&rssi, &snr);
Serial.print("rssi: ");
Serial.print(rssi, DEC);
Serial.println(" dBm");
Serial.print("snr: ");
Serial.print(snr, DEC);
Serial.println(" dB");
Serial Monitor of Receiver Device:
17:37:15.392 -> begin
17:37:15.392 -> debugPrint=1
17:37:15.392 -> SX126x_SPI_SELECT=10
17:37:15.392 -> SX126x_RESET=6
17:37:15.392 -> SX126x_BUSY=7
17:37:15.392 -> SX126x_TXEN=-1
17:37:15.392 -> SX126x_RXEN=-1
17:37:15.438 -> Reset
17:37:15.438 -> ReadRegister: REG=0x740 DataIn: 14 24
17:37:15.438 -> syncWord=0x1424
17:37:15.438 -> SX126x installed
17:37:15.438 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x80 DataOut: 0-->A2
17:37:15.438 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x9D DataOut: 1-->A2
17:37:15.438 -> tcxoVoltage=0.00
17:37:15.438 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x89 DataOut: 7F-->A2
17:37:15.485 -> useRegulatorLDO=0
17:37:15.485 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x96 DataOut: 1-->A2
17:37:15.485 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8F DataOut: 0-->A2 0-->A2
17:37:15.485 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x95 DataOut: 4-->A2 7-->A2 0-->A2 1-->A2
17:37:15.485 -> WriteRegister: REG=0x8E7 DataOut: 18
17:37:15.485 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8E DataOut: 16-->A2 4-->A2
17:37:15.485 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x98 DataOut: 6B-->A2 6F-->A2
17:37:15.485 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x86 DataOut: 1B-->A2 10-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2
17:37:15.485 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x9F DataOut: 0-->A2
17:37:15.485 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0xA0 DataOut: 0-->A2
17:37:15.485 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8A DataOut: 1-->A2
17:37:15.485 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8B DataOut: 7-->A2 4-->A2 1-->A2 0-->A2
17:37:15.532 -> ReadRegister: REG=0x736 DataIn: D
17:37:15.532 -> WriteRegister: REG=0x736 DataOut: 9
17:37:15.532 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8C DataOut: 0-->A2 8-->A2 0-->A2 FF-->A2 1-->A2 0-->A2
17:37:15.532 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8 DataOut: 3-->A2 FF-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2
17:37:15.532 -> ----- SetRx timeout=16777215
17:37:15.532 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x80 DataOut: 0-->A2
17:37:15.532 -> SetRxEnable:SX126x_TXEN=-1 SX126x_RXEN=-1
17:37:15.532 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x82 DataOut: FF-->A2 FF-->A2 FF-->A2
17:37:15.532 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 52
17:37:15.532 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 52
17:37:15.532 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.579 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.579 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.579 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.579 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.579 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.579 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.579 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.579 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.579 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.579 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.579 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.579 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.579 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.626 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.626 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.626 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.626 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.626 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.626 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
17:37:15.626 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0x12 DataIn: D2 0 0
Note: Last Line is repeating continue........
Thank you for the report.
There were missing changes when using the EBYTE module.
If you use the EBYTE module, the following changes are required.
I've updated the sample sketch.
SX126x lora(5, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select
6, //Port-Pin Output: Reset
7 //Port-Pin Input: Busy
int16_t ret = lora.begin(RF_FREQUENCY, //frequency in Hz
TX_OUTPUT_POWER); //tx power in dBm
SX126x lora(5, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select
6, //Port-Pin Output: Reset
7 //Port-Pin Input: Busy
8 //Port-Pin Output: TXEN
9 //Port-Pin Output: RXEN
int16_t ret = lora.begin(RF_FREQUENCY, //frequency in Hz
TX_OUTPUT_POWER, //tx power in dBm
3.3, //use TCXO
true); //use TCXO
Two additional wires are required. | EBYTE | UNO | MEGA | ESP8266 | |
TXEN | -- | 8(*3) | 8(*3) | D4 | |
RXEN | -- | 9(*3) | 9(*3) | D5 |
SX126x is not 5V tolerant.
You need level shift from 5V to 3.3V.
Thanks for the update....
I have again taken trial but still unable to work. Can You please see the again. this help will make me happy😄
I updated following things:
New Circuit
Transmitter Code:
#include <Ra01S.h>
#define RF_FREQUENCY 433000000 // Hz center frequency
//#define RF_FREQUENCY 866000000 // Hz center frequency
//#define RF_FREQUENCY 915000000 // Hz center frequency
#define TX_OUTPUT_POWER 22 // dBm tx output power
#define LORA_BANDWIDTH 4 // bandwidth
// 2: 31.25Khz
// 3: 62.5Khz
// 4: 125Khz
// 5: 250KHZ
// 6: 500Khz
#define LORA_SPREADING_FACTOR 7 // spreading factor [SF5..SF12]
#define LORA_CODINGRATE 1 // [1: 4/5,
// 2: 4/6,
// 3: 4/7,
// 4: 4/8]
#define LORA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH 8 // Same for Tx and Rx
#define LORA_PAYLOADLENGTH 0 // 0: Variable length packet (explicit header)
// 1..255 Fixed length packet (implicit header)
#define USE_EBYTE
#if 1
* for ATmega328/2560
* VCC 3V3/3V3
* SCK 13/52
* MISO 12/50
* MOSI 11/51
* NSS 5/5
* RST 6/6
* BUSY 7/7
* TXEN 8/8 for EBYTE
* RXEN 9/9 for EBYTE
#ifdef USE_EBYTE
SX126x lora(10, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select
6, //Port-Pin Output: Reset
7, //Port-Pin Input: Busy
2, //Port-Pin Output: TXEN
3 //Port-Pin Output: RXEN
SX126x lora(5, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select
6, //Port-Pin Output: Reset
7 //Port-Pin Input: Busy
#endif // USE_EBYTE
#endif // ATmega328/2560
#if 0
* for ESP8266
* VCC 3V3
#ifdef USE_EBYTE
SX126x lora(10, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select
6, //Port-Pin Output: Reset
7, //Port-Pin Input: Busy
2, //Port-Pin Output: TXEN
3 //Port-Pin Output: RXEN
SX126x lora(2, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select
0, //Port-Pin Output: Reset
16 //Port-Pin Input: Busy
#endif // USE_EBYTE
#endif // ESP8266
void setup()
#ifdef USE_EBYTE
Serial.println("Enable TCXO");
int16_t ret = lora.begin(RF_FREQUENCY, //frequency in Hz
TX_OUTPUT_POWER, //tx power in dBm
3.3, //use TCXO
true); //use TCXO
if (ret != ERR_NONE) while(1) {delay(1);}
Serial.println("Disable TCXO");
int16_t ret = lora.begin(RF_FREQUENCY, //frequency in Hz
TX_OUTPUT_POWER); //tx power in dBm
if (ret != ERR_NONE) while(1) {delay(1);}
#endif // USE_EBYTE
true, //crcOn
false); //invertIrq
void loop()
uint8_t txData[255];
sprintf((char *)txData, "Hello World %lu", millis());
uint8_t len = strlen((char *)txData);
// Wait for transmission to complete
if (lora.Send(txData, len, SX126x_TXMODE_SYNC)) {
Serial.println("Send success");
} else {
Serial.println("Send fail");
// Do not wait for the transmission to be completed
//lora.Send(txData, len, SX126x_TXMODE_ASYNC );
Serial Monitor Result
21:40:23.825 -> Enable TCXO
21:40:23.825 -> begin
21:40:23.825 -> debugPrint=1
21:40:23.825 -> SX126x_SPI_SELECT=10
21:40:23.825 -> SX126x_RESET=6
21:40:23.825 -> SX126x_BUSY=7
21:40:23.825 -> SX126x_TXEN=2
21:40:23.825 -> SX126x_RXEN=3
21:40:23.872 -> Reset
21:40:23.872 -> ReadRegister: REG=0x740 DataIn: 14 24
21:40:23.872 -> syncWord=0x1424
21:40:23.872 -> SX126x installed
21:40:23.872 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x80 DataOut: 0-->A2
21:40:23.872 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x9D DataOut: 1-->A2
21:40:23.872 -> tcxoVoltage=3.30
21:40:23.872 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x97 DataOut: 7-->A2 0-->A2 1-->A2 40-->A2
21:40:23.872 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x89 DataOut: 7F-->A2
21:40:23.919 -> useRegulatorLDO=1
21:40:23.919 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x96 DataOut: 0-->AA
21:40:23.919 -> SPI Transaction error:10
21:40:23.919 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x96 DataOut: 0-->A2
21:40:23.919 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8F DataOut: 0-->A2 0-->A2
21:40:23.919 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x95 DataOut: 4-->A2 7-->A2 0-->A2 1-->A2
21:40:23.919 -> WriteRegister: REG=0x8E7 DataOut: 18
21:40:23.919 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8E DataOut: 16-->A2 4-->A2
21:40:23.919 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x98 DataOut: 6B-->A2 6F-->A2
21:40:23.919 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x86 DataOut: 1B-->AA
21:40:23.919 -> SPI Transaction error:10
21:40:23.919 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x86 DataOut: 1B-->A2 10-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2
21:40:23.919 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x9F DataOut: 0-->A2
21:40:23.965 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0xA0 DataOut: 0-->A2
21:40:23.965 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8A DataOut: 1-->A2
21:40:23.965 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8B DataOut: 7-->A2 4-->A2 1-->A2 0-->A2
21:40:23.965 -> ReadRegister: REG=0x736 DataIn: D
21:40:23.965 -> WriteRegister: REG=0x736 DataOut: 9
21:40:23.965 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8C DataOut: 0-->A2 8-->A2 0-->A2 FF-->A2 1-->A2 0-->A2
21:40:23.965 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8 DataOut: 3-->A2 FF-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2
21:40:23.965 -> ----- SetRx timeout=16777215
21:40:23.965 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x80 DataOut: 0-->A2
21:40:23.965 -> SetRxEnable:SX126x_TXEN=2 SX126x_RXEN=3
21:40:23.965 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x82 DataOut: FF-->A2 FF-->A2 FF-->A2
21:40:24.013 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:40:24.013 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:40:24.013 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:40:24.013 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:40:24.013 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:40:24.013 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:40:24.013 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:40:24.013 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:40:24.013 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:40:24.013 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:40:24.013 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:40:24.013 -> SetRx Illegal Status
Receiver Code:
#include <Ra01S.h>
#define RF_FREQUENCY 433000000 // Hz center frequency
//#define RF_FREQUENCY 866000000 // Hz center frequency
//#define RF_FREQUENCY 915000000 // Hz center frequency
#define TX_OUTPUT_POWER 22 // dBm tx output power
#define LORA_BANDWIDTH 4 // bandwidth
// 2: 31.25Khz
// 3: 62.5Khz
// 4: 125Khz
// 5: 250KHZ
// 6: 500Khz
#define LORA_SPREADING_FACTOR 7 // spreading factor [SF5..SF12]
#define LORA_CODINGRATE 1 // [1: 4/5,
// 2: 4/6,
// 3: 4/7,
// 4: 4/8]
#define LORA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH 8 // Same for Tx and Rx
#define LORA_PAYLOADLENGTH 0 // 0: Variable length packet (explicit header)
// 1..255 Fixed length packet (implicit header)
#define USE_EBYTE
#if 1
* for ATmega328/2560
* VCC 3V3/3V3
* SCK 13/52
* MISO 12/50
* MOSI 11/51
* NSS 5/5
* RST 6/6
* BUSY 7/7
* TXEN 8/8 for EBYTE
* RXEN 9/9 for EBYTE
#ifdef USE_EBYTE
SX126x lora(10, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select
6, //Port-Pin Output: Reset
7, //Port-Pin Input: Busy
2, //Port-Pin Output: TXEN
3 //Port-Pin Output: RXEN
SX126x lora(5, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select
6, //Port-Pin Output: Reset
7 //Port-Pin Input: Busy
#endif // USE_EBYTE
#endif // ATmega328/2560
#if 0
* for ESP8266
* VCC 3V3
#ifdef USE_EBYTE
SX126x lora(10, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select
6, //Port-Pin Output: Reset
7, //Port-Pin Input: Busy
2, //Port-Pin Output: TXEN
3 //Port-Pin Output: RXEN
SX126x lora(2, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select
0, //Port-Pin Output: Reset
16 //Port-Pin Input: Busy
#endif // USE_EBYTE
#endif // ESP8266
void setup()
#ifdef USE_EBYTE
Serial.println("Enable TCXO");
int16_t ret = lora.begin(RF_FREQUENCY, //frequency in Hz
TX_OUTPUT_POWER, //tx power in dBm
3.3, //use TCXO
true); //use TCXO
if (ret != ERR_NONE) while(1) {delay(1);}
Serial.println("Disable TCXO");
int16_t ret = lora.begin(RF_FREQUENCY, //frequency in Hz
TX_OUTPUT_POWER); //tx power in dBm
if (ret != ERR_NONE) while(1) {delay(1);}
#endif // USE_EBYTE
true, //crcOn
false); //invertIrq
void loop()
uint8_t rxData[255];
uint8_t rxLen = lora.Receive(rxData, 255);
if ( rxLen > 0 )
Serial.print("Receive rxLen:");
for(int i=0;i< rxLen;i++) {
Serial.print(rxData[i], HEX);
Serial.print(" ");
for(int i=0;i< rxLen;i++) {
if (rxData[i] > 0x19 && rxData[i] < 0x7F) {
char myChar = rxData[i];
} else {
int8_t rssi, snr;
lora.GetPacketStatus(&rssi, &snr);
Serial.print("rssi: ");
Serial.print(rssi, DEC);
Serial.println(" dBm");
Serial.print("snr: ");
Serial.print(snr, DEC);
Serial.println(" dB");
Serial Montor Result:
21:44:29.804 -> Enable TCXO
21:44:29.804 -> begin
21:44:29.804 -> debugPrint=1
21:44:29.804 -> SX126x_SPI_SELECT=10
21:44:29.804 -> SX126x_RESET=6
21:44:29.804 -> SX126x_BUSY=7
21:44:29.804 -> SX126x_TXEN=2
21:44:29.804 -> SX126x_RXEN=3
21:44:29.850 -> Reset
21:44:29.850 -> ReadRegister: REG=0x740 DataIn: 14 24
21:44:29.850 -> syncWord=0x1424
21:44:29.850 -> SX126x installed
21:44:29.850 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x80 DataOut: 0-->A2
21:44:29.850 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x9D DataOut: 1-->A2
21:44:29.850 -> tcxoVoltage=3.30
21:44:29.850 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x97 DataOut: 7-->A2 0-->A2 1-->A2 40-->A2
21:44:29.850 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x89 DataOut: 7F-->A2
21:44:29.897 -> useRegulatorLDO=1
21:44:29.897 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x96 DataOut: 0-->AA
21:44:29.897 -> SPI Transaction error:10
21:44:29.897 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x96 DataOut: 0-->A2
21:44:29.897 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8F DataOut: 0-->A2 0-->A2
21:44:29.897 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x95 DataOut: 4-->A2 7-->A2 0-->A2 1-->A2
21:44:29.897 -> WriteRegister: REG=0x8E7 DataOut: 18
21:44:29.897 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8E DataOut: 16-->A2 4-->A2
21:44:29.897 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x98 DataOut: 6B-->A2 6F-->A2
21:44:29.897 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x86 DataOut: 1B-->AA
21:44:29.897 -> SPI Transaction error:10
21:44:29.897 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x86 DataOut: 1B-->A2 10-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2
21:44:29.944 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x9F DataOut: 0-->A2
21:44:29.944 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0xA0 DataOut: 0-->A2
21:44:29.944 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8A DataOut: 1-->A2
21:44:29.944 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8B DataOut: 7-->A2 4-->A2 1-->A2 0-->A2
21:44:29.944 -> ReadRegister: REG=0x736 DataIn: D
21:44:29.944 -> WriteRegister: REG=0x736 DataOut: 9
21:44:29.944 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8C DataOut: 0-->A2 8-->A2 0-->A2 FF-->A2 1-->A2 0-->A2
21:44:29.944 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x8 DataOut: 3-->A2 FF-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2 0-->A2
21:44:29.944 -> ----- SetRx timeout=16777215
21:44:29.944 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x80 DataOut: 0-->A2
21:44:29.944 -> SetRxEnable:SX126x_TXEN=2 SX126x_RXEN=3
21:44:29.991 -> WriteCommand: CMD=0x82 DataOut: FF-->A2 FF-->A2 FF-->A2
21:44:29.991 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:44:29.991 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:44:29.991 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:44:29.991 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:44:29.991 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:44:29.991 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:44:29.991 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:44:29.991 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:44:29.991 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:44:29.991 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:44:29.991 -> ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
21:44:29.991 -> SetRx Illegal Status
Please see again and please help me to build my device. thanks.
One thing is that: I see this line: SX126x installed
it means my LoRa device is working?
Please help me.
I see this line: SX126x installed it means my LoRa device is working?
Yes. This indicates that you are successfully communicating with your device.
I had the same error on E220-900M22S(LLCC68) I do not know the cause
SetRxEnable:SX126x_TXEN=8 SX126x_RXEN=9
WriteCommand: CMD=0x82 DataOut: FF-->A2 FF-->A2 FF-->A2
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 2A
SetRx Illegal Status
This is E22-900M22S(SX1262) logging. As far as I know, SX1262 and LLCC68 are compatible.
SetRxEnable:SX126x_TXEN=8 SX126x_RXEN=9
WriteCommand: CMD=0x82 DataOut: FF-->A2 FF-->A2 FF-->A2
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 52
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 52
Send rv=1
Send success
This is E22-400M22S(SX1268) logging.
SetRxEnable:SX126x_TXEN=8 SX126x_RXEN=9
WriteCommand: CMD=0x82 DataOut: FF-->A2 FF-->A2 FF-->A2
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 52
ReadCommand: CMD=0xC0 DataIn: 52
Dear, Can you please solve the problem. I have E220-400M22S module. Can you please solve the error with the library. Thanks
I also have an E220-400M22S, but I don't know the solution.
I am seeking assistance in the library GitHub to address an issue I'm encountering.
My challenge involves establishing communication between the Ebyte LoRa E220-400M22S and the MCU ATTINY804 IC. Below is the code snippet I'm utilizing:
I used above code from the library Example: example/Ra01S-TX/Ra01S-TX.ino and changes are done by me :
SX126x lora(0, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select 1, //Port-Pin Output: Reset 2 //Port-Pin Input: Busy );
endif // ATmega328/2560
if 0
SX126x lora(0, //Port-Pin Output: SPI select 1, //Port-Pin Output: Reset 2 //Port-Pin Input: Busy );
endif // ESP8266
/ int16_t ret = lora.begin(RF_FREQUENCY, //frequency in Hz TX_OUTPUT_POWER); //tx power in dBm /
int16_t ret = lora.begin(RF_FREQUENCY, //frequency in Hz TX_OUTPUT_POWER, //tx power in dBm 3.3, //use TCXO true); //use TCXO
However, subsequent startups after a power restore yield different results, suggesting an inconsistency issue:
These inconsistencies occur with subsequent startups, implying a problem with the setup.
The connections between ATTINY804 and E220-400M22S are as follows:
For power supply, I'm using the AMS1117 3.3V Power Supply Module, drawing input from Arduino 5V and GND, then supplying it to the circuit via the AMS1117 3.3V Power supply.
For ATTINY804 programming, I'm utilizing the megaTinyCore Library and referring to the ATTINY804 pinout details.
I'm reaching out to the library developer and the community for assistance in resolving this issue. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.