nopnop2002 / Raspberry-ssd1306

ssd1306 Command Line Tool for Raspberry Pi
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Line positions are screwed up... #15

Open ctschach opened 3 years ago

ctschach commented 3 years ago

Okay, something is behaving strange here when it comes to line positioning:

When I run the

abcdefg 1234567 Hello World!! ABCDEFG

A little later down in it displays Line 2 Line 1 Line 4 Line 3

If I write a text with the command ./oled +a "BLABLA"

It seems to be displayed in line 3. But I've also seen a text line sliced between the bottom of the screen and the top of it.

So not sure what is causing the problem...but something it wrong here when it's comes to positioning within the display.

The display is connected via I2C and works totally fine with the Python ssd1306 libraries and tools...

nopnop2002 commented 3 years ago

The display is connected via I2C and works totally fine with the Python ssd1306 libraries and tools...

I have no idea what the cause is.