nopnop2002 / esp-idf-sx126x

SX1262/SX1268/LLCC68 Low Power Long Range Transceiver driver for esp-idf
MIT License
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lowDataRateOptimize parameter #25

Open alessandrv opened 1 month ago

alessandrv commented 1 month ago

Hello, I can't find any info on how lowDataRateOptimize works and how it helps the comunication. I'm currently using a e22 900m30s by ebyte and want to get the most range, with less noise/errors in my message, no need the comunication speed to be fast or anything just need range and accuracy. I checked datasheet by my module, it looks like it supports a spreading factor up to 12 but not sure if I should change also the bandwith afterwards to fit this or what. Also I'm interested in lowDataRateOptimize param because I will be mainly sending short strings over lora

nopnop2002 commented 1 month ago

Sorry for the late reply.

lowDataRateOptimize is very difficult to understand. I don't understand the exact behavior either. It is necessary to decipher the data sheet of SX126X.

The relationship between SF, BW, and CDR is as follows.

About communication speed and maximum reception sensitivity

In LoRa modulation mode, the communication speed (bps) and maximum reception sensitivity (RSSI) are determined by a combination of spreading factor (SF), bandwidth (BW), and coding rate (CDR).

If you need range and precision, increase SF and CDR. However, accurately measuring the impact of these changes requires significant effort. A large measuring space may be required.