nopnop2002 / wiringpi-tft-tool

TFT Command Line Tool for Raspberry Pi
MIT License
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framebuffer mirror #11

Open r3l4x-pt opened 5 months ago

r3l4x-pt commented 5 months ago

isit possible to mirror the hdmi to the st7793 tft?

nopnop2002 commented 5 months ago

Since the resolution is different from HDMI, it probably won't display correctly.

You will need to create the process to import the HDMI output yourself.

r3l4x-pt commented 5 months ago

that is possible at least for SPI TFTs using FBCP. there is isnt much info on the ST7793 but i did found a FB module for the ili9341 and tried to modify it to work with the ST7793 but failed as i dont undersgand how that works

nopnop2002 commented 5 months ago

You need to read the ILI9341 data sheet and understand the commands.