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Preserve visual structure when matching unspecified keys in maps and sets #130

Closed timothypratley closed 3 years ago

timothypratley commented 4 years ago


Maps and sets with unspecified keys are at a syntactic disadvantage.


The current tools for working with unspecified keys are:

(m/rewrite {:a 1, :b 2}
  {& (m/seqable [!k !v] ...)}
  {& ([!k !v] ...)})
(m/rewrite {:a 1, :b 2}
  (m/map-of !k !v)
  (m/map-of !k !v))

Both visually obscure the structure.

Observe that vectors do not suffer this problem: [!k ...]

Maps and sets are disadvantaged because unspecified keys must only appear in the & clause. This restriction makes sense because keys in maps and sets are unordered, so specified keys do not overlap with unspecified keys.


In isolation, one may argue that a single map is easy to understand, but in the face of nested maps, the structure quickly becomes obscured. Consider:

{!a {!b {!c !v}}}
(m/map-of !a (m/map-of !b (m/map-of !c !v)))

The latter is linguistic, the former is visual.

Furthermore, if we had correspondence (see, nested maps transformations would preserve their structure completely.

Possible Solution

Make memory variables imply unspecified keys when specified as a key in a map or set.

(m/rewrite {:a 1, :b 2}
  {!k !v}
  {!k !v})

!k !v implies {& (map-of !k !v)).

Why does this rule make sense?

timothypratley commented 4 years ago

@yuhan0 pointed out (in Slack channel) that {?a 1} is useful, so really only !a expressions could imply unspecified keys. The tradeoff then is the subtlety of different behavior based on the variable type vs the visual syntax

timothypratley commented 4 years ago

Based on Slack discussion, an existing option for picky users like me is:

(defn memory-variable? [v]
  (and (symbol? v)
       (re-matches #"!.+" (name v))))

(def extract-unspecified-kvs
      {& (m/seqable (m/or [(m/pred memory-variable? !unspecified-ks) !unspecified-vs]
                          !specified-kvs) ...)}
      {& (!specified-kvs ... ['& (`m/map-of !unspecified-ks !unspecified-vs)])}


(defmacro | [& rules]
  `(s/rewrite ~@(map extract-unspecified-kvs rules)))

((| {!k !v}
    {!k (m/app inc !v)})
 {:a 1
  :b 2
  :c 3})

;;=> {:a 2, :b 3, :c 4}

^^ use a macro to replace {!k !v} with (map-of !k !v)

This was offered with big warning signs that I don't fully understand yet :)

timothypratley commented 4 years ago

Another idea floated in Slack: This would be a nice way to be explicit about the behavior without losing the structure: {^… !k !v} and #{^... !k} (i.e. using the metadata style of sets for #{^& ?more}

timothypratley commented 4 years ago

I like this suggestion from @yuhan0 :

"There is already precedence in ..?n for splitting a symbol up into components to bind ?n"

{&... [!k !v]}
;; desugars intuitively to 
{& (m/seqable [!k !v] ...)}
;; or
{&!k !v} ;; implicitly includes !v in the repeating pattern
;; or 
{&!k &!v} ;; over-specification?

#{ &!x }

My favourite is {&!k !v} because it preserves the structure (I can copy-paste example data and replace with variables) and &!k is exactly what I want to do, bind the rest of the kvs as memory variables.