noprompt / meander

Tools for transparent data transformation
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Slower than hand-crafted code #135

Closed lucywang000 closed 3 years ago

lucywang000 commented 3 years ago

Hey, thanks for creating meander! I am planning to use meander in a recent project to replace hand crafted map/filter code, which I think would be make the code much better to read and reason about.

However when I'm doing some simple perf testing, it seems hand-crafted code could beat meander by 5-10x.

(ns meander-simple-perf
  (:require [meander.epsilon :as m]
            [criterium.core :refer [quick-bench]]))

  (def data
    {:people [{:id 1 :name "Bob"} {:id 2 :name "Alice" :inactive true}]
     :addresses [{:type :business :person-id 1 :info ""}
                 {:type :other :person-id 1 :info ""}
                 {:type :business :person-id 2 :info ""}
                 {:type :vacation :person-id 2 :info ""}]})

  ;; 3us
   (m/find data

     {:people (m/scan {:name ?name :id ?id :inactive true})
      :addresses (m/scan {:person-id ?id :as ?address})}

     {:name ?name
      :found 1
      :address ?address}))

  ;; 450ns
  (quick-bench (let [{:keys [people addresses]} data]
                 (->> people
                      (filter :inactive)
                      (some (fn [{:keys [name id]}]
                              (when-let [address (some (fn [{:keys [person-id] :as address}]
                                                         (when (= person-id id)
                                {:name name
                                 :found 1
                                 :address address}))))))

Any idea why such a huge difference? My understanding is that meander need to compile the LHS so it adds some overhead. But when I increase the data to dwarf the compilation overhead, the hand crafted code grows from 450ns to 500ns (10%), but the meander solution grows from 3us to 6us (2x).

  (def data
    {:people [{:id 1 :name "Bob"} {:id 2 :name "Alice" :inactive true}]
     :addresses (into [{:type :business :person-id 1 :info ""}
                       {:type :other :person-id 1 :info ""}
                       {:type :vacation :person-id 2 :info ""}]
                      (repeat 10000 {:type :business :person-id 2 :info ""}))})

My best guess is m/scan actually collects all the results, while m/find is just a syntax suger for (first (m/search (..)). But this still could not explain the 5x difference in the original example. E.g. If it's a query on a hot path, is there any way to pre-compile the LHS part somehow?

     {:people (m/scan {:name ?name :id ?id :inactive true})
      :addresses (m/scan {:person-id ?id :as ?address})}
noprompt commented 3 years ago

Hi @lucywang000, thanks for your detailed report. I was able to figure out the bottleneck and come up with a solution, see the pull request GH-136. Here is the time difference between what is currently on epsilon and what is on the gh-135 branch.

;; Old
 (dotimes [n 10000]
   (m/find data
     {:people (m/scan {:name ?name :id ?id :inactive true})
      :addresses (m/scan {:person-id ?id :as ?address})}
     {:name ?name
      :found 1
      :address ?address})))
; ;=> "\"Elapsed time: 121.856909 msecs\"\n"

;; New
 (dotimes [n 10000]
   (m/find data
     {:people (m/scan {:name ?name :id ?id :inactive true})
      :addresses (m/scan {:person-id ?id :as ?address})}
     {:name ?name
      :found 1
      :address ?address})))
;; => "Elapsed time: 21.000418 msecs"

Both solutions find

{:name "Alice",
 :found 1,
 :address {:type :vacation, :person-id 2, :info ""}}

and, as you can see, the new solution does so far more quickly. At the moment I don't have the opportunity to benchmark this properly because I need to get to bed but I believe the results should be better. That being said, Meander is still slightly slower than the handwritten Clojure you submitted. Using time again as a rough measuring tool:

 (dotimes [n 10000]
   (let [{:keys [people addresses]} data]
     (->> people
          (filter :inactive)
          (some (fn [{:keys [name id]}]
                  (when-let [address (some (fn [{:keys [person-id] :as address}]
                                             (when (= person-id id)
                    {:name name
                     :found 1
                     :address address})))))))
;; => "Elapsed time: 13.877456 msecs"

For this particular example, the numbers tend to favor Clojure by 5 to 10ms. The reason for this slight performance penalty has to do with map? type checks on each element of the search space produced by m/scan e.g. every value in :people and :addresses. When I macroexpand the code and delete those type checks I get equivalent and occasionally better metrics than the handwritten example, about 1 to 2ms.

Any idea why such a huge difference?

The runtime search space produced and traversed for m/scan patterns was doing more work than it needed to. Fixing this problem has been on my personal todo list but I haven't felt any pressure to make it a priority until today. So, I'm actually glad you submitted this ticket! 😄

If everything looks in order, and no one has any complaints or objections, I will merge the patch tomorrow and make a new release of the library.

lucywang000 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @noprompt ! It's really awesome to see this performance boost.

When I macroexpand the code and delete those type checks I get equivalent and occasionally better metrics than the handwritten example, about 1 to 2ms.


noprompt commented 3 years ago

@lucywang000 Not a problem. I'm going to close this ticket for now.

I think a good follow up to this would be to allow for a sort of "unsafe" notation which tells the compiler to skip a type check at runtime.