noqdev / iambic

IAMbic is Version-Control for IAM. It centralizes and simplifies cloud access and permissions. It maintains an eventually consistent, human-readable, bi-directional representation of IAM in Git.
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(Google workspace) support user creation using iambic templates #638

Open sahu04 opened 10 months ago

sahu04 commented 10 months ago

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smoy commented 10 months ago

Any developer likes to take this on? there should be a pretty solid path as the google group support uses the same SDK. So I will outline roughly the implementation need.

There should be a lot of parallel to Google Group implementation.


smoy commented 10 months ago

I primed the pump to have import working. But it will take more iteration to get to support create user.

It seems from API docs, create user must supply a password, which is really unfortunately, because we don't want to deal with password. (to minimize risk)