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Research macOS packaging and repository management #8

Open markpash opened 1 year ago

markpash commented 1 year ago

I know nothing of macOS, is Homebrew the best way to deliver macOS binaries? Someone research this and help come up with a plan for delivering macOS binaries.

oxygenz6 commented 1 year ago

Just a few references

We need a TAP!

Here is a guide on How to Create and Maintain a Tap.

Here is another guide on Homebrew tap with bottles uploaded to GitHub Releases, I've created a repo (oxygenz6/homebrew-nabat) following this guide, and doing some experiments, It hasn't come to anything useful yet.

Forgot to mention, Bottles are Binary Packages.

oxygenz6 commented 1 year ago

I had some more time to work on my experiments

I was able to:

  1. Create a TAP
  2. Add a formula called dnscrypt-proxy2.rb, copied from Homebrew/Core repository

When you create a tap using brew tap-new, It comes with a set of default GitHub actions and configurations, They take care of the tests, building bottles if needed, uploading them to GitHub actions artifacts on each pull request.

Now, as I understand we need a plan for delivering binaries using Homebrew, I got some questions I need to ask.

Do we have the packages in executable format somewhere? What are we gonna do about the service related parts? (systemd on most of linux systems, LaunchAgent on MacOS, Windows Services on Windows)