noraeisner / LATTE

Lightcurve Analysis Tool for Transiting Exoplanet
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
39 stars 10 forks source link

[LATTE-dev] Cannot handle some LATTEv1-generated metadata, e.g., data/all_targets_S0<n>_v1.txt #34

Open orionlee opened 4 years ago

orionlee commented 4 years ago

When I tried to run LATTE for TIC 65263849 from sector 2, I got the KeyError: 'Camera' during parsing data/all_targets_S002_v1.txt

Phase folded plot... done.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\pkg\_winNonPortables\Anaconda3\envs\LATTE-dev\lib\", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
  File "C:\pkg\_winNonPortables\Anaconda3\envs\LATTE-dev\lib\", line 85, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "C:\dev\_juypter\LATTE\LATTE\", line 542, in <module>
    utils.interact_LATTE(tic, indir, syspath, sectors_all, sectors, ra, dec, args)  # the argument of whether to shos the images or not
  File "C:\dev\_juypter\LATTE\LATTE\", line 690, in interact_LATTE
    brew.brew_LATTE(tic, indir, syspath, transit_list, simple, BLS, model, save, DV, sectors, sectors_all, alltime, allflux, allflux_err, all_md, alltimebinned, allfluxbinned, allx1, allx2, ally1, ally2, alltime12, allfbkg, start_sec, end_sec, in_sec, tessmag, teff, srad, ra, dec, args)
  File "C:\dev\_juypter\LATTE\LATTE\", line 316, in brew_LATTE
    ticids, distance, target_ra, target_dec = utils.nn_ticids(indir, transit_sec, tic)
  File "C:\dev\_juypter\LATTE\LATTE\", line 2595, in nn_ticids
    tic_list = pd.read_csv("{}/data/all_targets_S{}_v1.txt".format(indir,download_sector)).sort_values(['Camera', 'RA', 'Dec']).reset_index()
  File "C:\pkg\_winNonPortables\Anaconda3\envs\LATTE-dev\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\", line 5273, in sort_values
    keys = [self._get_label_or_level_values(x, axis=axis) for x in by]
  File "C:\pkg\_winNonPortables\Anaconda3\envs\LATTE-dev\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\", line 5273, in <listcomp>
    keys = [self._get_label_or_level_values(x, axis=axis) for x in by]
  File "C:\pkg\_winNonPortables\Anaconda3\envs\LATTE-dev\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\", line 1560, in _get_label_or_level_values
    raise KeyError(key)
KeyError: 'Camera'

Inspecting the data/all_targets_S002_v1.txt file in question, it looks like the following (not a csv):

# Full target list for orbit 11, sector 2
# Created Fri Aug 24 12:54:36 EDT 2018 
# Concatenation of GI astero exo bright DDT ppas lists
# TICID       Camera   CCD  Tmag       RA         Dec
  2733208   1   3    8.03   356.0455    -13.1907
  2733409   1   3    7.55   356.1195    -14.4202

The file was created back when I was using LATTE v1.0.0

Comparing the file against recent target files generated from LATTE-dev, it seems that the format was changed to comma-separated.


The code as-is is equipped to handle the comma-separated one, but not the old tab-separated format with comment

orionlee commented 4 years ago

The format of all_targets_...txt is changed. Workaround for users who have been using LATTE v1 is to make it re-generate all required metadata