noraj / OSCP-Exam-Report-Template-Markdown

:orange_book: Markdown Templates for Offensive Security OSCP, OSWE, OSCE, OSEE, OSWP exam report
MIT License
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PDF Failing to Generate #13

Closed f8less closed 3 years ago

f8less commented 3 years ago

Script is running and producing the following error, coupled with an empty .7z file.

ruby generate.rb             
Choose a template:
0. [OSCP] whoisflynn improved template v3.2
1. [OSCP] official Offensive Security template v1
2. [OSWE] official Offensive Security template v1
3. [OSWE] noraj improved template v1
4. [OSCE] official Offensive Security template v1
5. [OSEE] official Offensive Security template v1
6. [OSWP] official Offensive Security template v1
Enter your OS id
Choose syntax highlight style [breezedark]

Generating report...
Error producing PDF.
! Too many }'s.
\FNH@check@a ...tnotes \expandafter \@gobble \fi }
                                                  {}}\@secondoftwo \scantoke...
l.302 \begin{document}

Generating archive...

WARNING: No more files

Do you want to add an external lab report? [y/N]
bblastie commented 2 years ago

I am having this issue, were you able to resolve?

Mekacher-Anis commented 1 month ago

for anyone else having this issue, try to run the command from the "Manual" section in the README which runs pandoc directly and check what kind of error are thrown out. In my case it was a missing eisvogel.latex pandoc template file.