norandomtechie / ece270-simulator

Source code for Web-Based Verilog Simulation Platform in ECE 27000 at Purdue University
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Compile usually fails with `struct_code.v: No such file or directory` #12

Closed kubark42 closed 3 years ago

kubark42 commented 3 years ago

Compiling any code leads to a Status: Error in code warning message and the Toolbox Output tab shows

Error occurred in Icarus compile step: /tmp/tmpcode/8654f905fb432e3e5309e8d7821bb7edb47fc12e408fc9b493c439cba7f63191/struct_code.v: No such file or directory
Preprocessor failed with 1 errors.

This is compiling the plain vanilla template, with assign right[0] = pb[0]; added as per the tutorial.

`default_nettype none
// Empty top module

module top (
  // I/O ports
  input  logic hz100, reset,
  input  logic [20:0] pb,
  output logic [7:0] left, right,
         ss7, ss6, ss5, ss4, ss3, ss2, ss1, ss0,
  output logic red, green, blue,

  // Ports from/to UART
  output logic [7:0] txdata,
  input  logic [7:0] rxdata,
  output logic txclk, rxclk,
  input  logic txready, rxready

  // Your code goes here...

  assign right[0] = pb[0];


// Add more modules down here...

// give us a uart demo please

Interestingly, it compiled successfully exactly once, even though the code didn't change.

norandomtechie commented 3 years ago

Production server issue. Patched things up and it should be good to go again.