norbusan / piwigopress

Piwigo-Wordpress integration
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No SEO-URLs #24

Open WulfmanGer opened 8 years ago

WulfmanGer commented 8 years ago


i use this settings in my piwigo-gallery: $conf['question_mark_in_urls'] = false; $conf['php_extension_in_urls'] = false; Piwig-Press isn't compatible with this. Links worked, but it uses the Piwigo-Standard-Format :|


norbusan commented 8 years ago

Hi interesting ... although I am using Piwigo for long time, I see the above two settings for the first time. And I have no idea what they are doing.

What do you mean with piwigopress uses "Piwigo-Standard-Format"...? for what?



WulfmanGer commented 8 years ago

Description in piwigo-Forum:

"Piwigo-Standard-Format" <- Standard-URLs from Piwigo. Standard (with this 2 config-Lines = true): /picture.php?/124 With setting to False: /picture/124 Google and especially Bing crawl this SEO-URLs a littler bit better. I have made this experience of 2-3 weeks. Google indexed these new URLs quickly and threw the old out. I actually thought that Google no longer problems with "?" "&" In URLs has ...

Your Plugin uses this URLs /picture.php?/124 ... it's not directly an problem. Google accept this .. THEORETICAL it uses the canonical-URL by piwigo (with this setting: picture/124).

Short-Version in German ... i think you understand this? ;) Piwigopress nutzt die URLs wie sie Piwigo Standardmässig auch produziert: picture.php?/124 Wenn man die beiden Konfigzeilen (es gibt insgesamt 4 bzw. mit Tags sogar 5) auf false setzt, lauten die URLs picture/124 - piwigopress interessiert das nicht. Ich hab die Erfahrung gemacht das Google aber insbesondere Bing sich doch sehr mit ? (also "dynamischen Inhalt") doch schwerer tut als behauptet wird. Umgestellt - nach 1-2 Tagen fast alle URLs im Google Index angepasst - sehr viele neue dazugekommen. Bing hat die neuen URLs aufgesogen - vorher kaum Indiziert, ging es jetzt los. => Daher heißen sie auch: SEO-Friendly-URLs ;)

norbusan commented 8 years ago

Hi interesting (I keep English if you don't mind, although I am Austrian, but others might be interested, too in this thread).

I didn't know about these settings - and even more, I don't know whether these settings are exposed via the API. Since PiwigoPress is running somewhere else, I don't have access to these settings. I will see what can be done here.

Can you please do the following:

The output should contain things like:

<rsp stat="ok"><image id="5566" file="dscn0776.jpg" date_available="2016-01-15 09:56:23" date_creation="2005-03-07 06:15:18" hit="425" filesize="827" width="2048" height="1532" date_metadata_update="2016-01-15" level="0" md5sum="d9438bf2e26caea953a753a41d85d3ec" added_by="1" rotation="0" lastmodified="2016-01-15 09:56:23" page_url="" element_url=""><name>dscn0776.jpg</name>

Does the page_url contain a question mark in your case or not?



WulfmanGer commented 8 years ago


no question marks ... works fine - complete output no question marks:

<image id="125" file="20151211-090025.jpg" date_available="2016-05-18 01:38:41" date_creation="2015-12-11 09:00:25" author="Patrick Platzeck" hit="26" filesize="1175" width="1280" height="1920" date_metadata_update="2016-05-18" level="0" md5sum="2eb4c4ab09c57dc1aa573adcea453d95" added_by="1" rotation="0" latitude="28.648443" longitude="77.186111" lastmodified="2016-05-18 10:50:38" is_gvideo="0" page_url="" element_url="">

<category id="13" url="" page_url="">
<tag id="55" name="Delhi" url_name="delhi" url="" page_url="">
samwilson commented 6 years ago

This should now be fixed I think. @WulfmanGer can you test with the most recent master?