norcalli / nvim-colorizer.lua

The fastest Neovim colorizer.
2.25k stars 117 forks source link

Consider adding support for non true color environments like 256 colors. #8

Open norcalli opened 4 years ago

norcalli commented 4 years ago

The tricky thing here is that what we would be showing wouldn't be accurate if we attempted to approximate true RGB codes which aren't exact matches to your colorscheme. Even the 216 color cube could be overridden, but that would be unlikely considering most people only modify the 16 colors.

Therefore, there are 2 approaches possible here:

I don't have a use-case for this, so I need feedback from the community to see what would be useful. Currently, would recommend disabling colorizer if termguicolors isn't set with

if &termguicolors
lua require'colorizer'.setup()
skamsie commented 3 years ago

Yes please! I am using the native mac which does not have true color support and I would love to be able to use your plugin.

Between the options that you listed, I think this one is better

Try to approximate values with a setting like approximate_true_colors which makes it very clear what it's doing

g6ai commented 3 years ago
