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Landing page redesign #270

Closed samumantha closed 3 years ago

samumantha commented 3 years ago

Landing page with very limited information for good overview

Screenshot from planning in whimsical (let @samumantha know if you want access): image

lucaferranti commented 3 years ago

For the what we do box (which is what I and Anne discussed today) I meant something like this:


lucaferranti commented 3 years ago

we could also have an icon on top of each and each cell title could be a link, e.g.

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lucaferranti commented 3 years ago


indeed still requires some work to make it responsive and nice looking, but it should be feasible 😄

lucaferranti commented 3 years ago


something like this? Then on the left of the twitter bar we could have only a news session and a few important things we want to highlight. Currently the home page has a lot of info, that could be delegated to specialized pages if they are easier to find after the updated navbar and landing page

samumantha commented 3 years ago

Looks great! I like the icon idea and definitely each title should be a link to find more information on another page about the topic. And agreed that the current landing page has too much and should be shortened. What you show in the last picture here might actually be enough for the landing page?

bast commented 3 years ago

I really like the new landing page design. I don't think there needs to be more.

lucaferranti commented 3 years ago

is it ok if I open a PR with the html code for that? I think everyone can push to that branch then (to change content, layout etc)?

bast commented 3 years ago

Yes, can you please share somewhere the CSS for this? Can be a draft PR. It would be wonderful to get this in before Thursday.