nordicsmartgovernment / requirements

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[USER STORY] get all transactions from the "get transaction" API in a common known format #16

Open data-david opened 5 years ago

data-david commented 5 years ago

As: an user of the bookkeeping reference implementation (PoC) I wish to: get all financial data from the "get entry" API in a common known format So that: I can understand the data according to global published definitions

Related to epic: Informasjonsforvaltning/behov_NSG#2

Link to design: Link to solution architecture:

Business value (Critical/Important/Less important/Good to have): Critical

data-david commented 5 years ago

Considerations to solution architecture and implementation:

ekoskent commented 5 years ago

The API should have a parameter for companyID.

ekoskent commented 4 years ago

We need a parameter also on the transaction data APIs for documentType as we are going to support various formats (SAF-T, SIE...). Need to find the correct expressions for these (similar how is done in PEPPOL) in order to capture the framework and used version.