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[USER STORY] Update business transaction data (transaction entry account) #24

Open data-david opened 4 years ago

data-david commented 4 years ago

As: a system user (another system used in the PoCs) I wish: to update the transaction entries account for the business transaction So that: the system can have most complete set of data that is available about the transaction

Related to epic: Informasjonsforvaltning/behov_NSG#19

Lenke til design: Lenke til løsningsarkitektur: realized by patch-operation in transaction-API

Forretningsverdi (Kritisk/Viktig/Mindre viktig/Kjekt å ha):

ekoskent commented 4 years ago

The request must contain the to be updated information of the business transaction in standard representation (XBRL GL or SAF_T/SIE once supported).

The reference implementation should absorb the received business transaction data to the original transaction by matching the transactionID (gl-cor:uniqueID in XBRL GL, has to be added to the transaction by the system when it's created).

params: companyID, transactionID

ekoskent commented 4 years ago

In the reference implementation we don't need to control what pieces of data may be updated. It is up to the access restriction controls of the real systems that do that so we can allow the editing of all parts.

ekoskent commented 4 years ago

Example of data to be passed to update entry account details for an existing transaction with ID 55555: The current transaction data: see transaction_id_55555_without_account_xbrl-gl.xml The requested update data: transaction_id_55555_update_xbrl-gl.xml The transaction after the update process: transaction_id_55555_after_update_xbrl-gl.xml

ekoskent commented 4 years ago

We need a parameter also on the transaction data APIs for documentType as we are going to support various formats (SAF-T, SIE...). Need to find the correct expressions for these (similar how is done in PEPPOL) in order to capture the framework and used version.