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[USER STORY] Get business transactions in a standard format #5

Open ekoskent opened 5 years ago

ekoskent commented 5 years ago

As: a system user (another system used in the PoCs) I wish: to get access to the business transactions and their related raw data from a specific period through an API. So that: it can use the standard data for report aggregation.

Related to epic: Informasjonsforvaltning/behov_NSG#2

MadsBDamgaard commented 5 years ago

Will this user story cover the following?:

User Aim: As a 3rd party developer working on FinTech solutions for SMEs, I want to provide a software service to SMEs based on real-time data. This means developing services which take as input the financial data from an ERP system (with consent from the SME user) and treat/manipulate/visualize the data and present as output to the SME as end user. … so that SME customers will pay for my service/application, in the end!

lillelars commented 5 years ago

Er denne lik Informasjonsforvaltning/behov#269 ?