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[USER STORY] Update business transaction data MVP #6

Open ekoskent opened 5 years ago

ekoskent commented 5 years ago

As: a system user (another system used in the PoCs) I wish: to update the existing business transaction details So that: the system can have most complete set of data that is available about the transaction

Related to epic: Informasjonsforvaltning/behov_NSG#2

data-david commented 5 years ago

Question: Can we confirm that only the transformed (XBRL) version of the transaction can actually be changed, not the UBL raw document?

data-david commented 5 years ago

Question: Can any detail be updated? Or are there a limited set of fields, e.g. account information that can be changed?

data-david commented 4 years ago

Question: Can we confirm that only the transformed (XBRL) version of the transaction can actually be changed, not the UBL raw document?

Yes, confirmed

data-david commented 4 years ago

Question: Can any detail be updated? Or are there a limited set of fields, e.g. account information that can be changed?

Following fields can be changed:

I will validate and extend this list with @ekoskent as soon as I get a hold of her :)

ekoskent commented 4 years ago

Question: Can any detail be updated? Or are there a limited set of fields, e.g. account information that can be changed?

Following fields can be changed:

  • account
  • time of transaction
  • currency
  • vat
  • value

I will validate and extend this list with @ekoskent as soon as I get a hold of her :)

In my opinion we should not define on the API level what data may or may not be updated in the transaction details but rather leave it up to the access restriction control of the business system using the API. I suggest to simply make API carry the complete business transaction data if required or just simple additions (all in the same representation XBRL GL / SAF-T...) and for our reference implementation to "absorb" the added information. See Informasjonsforvaltning/behov#354