nordtheme / dircolors

An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant dircolors theme.
MIT License
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BUG?? Dircolor not working in zsh and alacritty #25

Closed Stratos-Crimson closed 2 years ago

Stratos-Crimson commented 2 years ago

Hello, I am using alacritty with the nord colour pallete and zsh but it's not showing the nord colours in the ls command(it might also not be showing these in others but I have just tested it with ls) BUT it shows them in BASH for whatever reason..... And yes, I have followed the instructions and put test -r "~/.dir_colors" && eval $(dircolors ~/.dir_colors) in my bash and zshrc as well as put the dir colors file in my home directory.

jpasquier commented 2 years ago


I have the same problem with alacritty and zsh.

Best regards

haroun commented 2 years ago

I had the same issue and it has already been solved here

I don’t know why it was removed from the README file

For zsh, color does not output to the terminal for ls unless ls --color is used. You can alias the ls command inside your .zshrc file with alias ls='ls --color=auto' to have ls output the colors for each session.

Credits to @szul

Stratos-Crimson commented 2 years ago

Thanks, but why the auto? Also, I am still not getting syntax highlighting

svengreb commented 2 years ago

Please see my detailed explanation in that describes how dircolors works and that it is not related to specific shells at all.

haroun commented 2 years ago

@svengreb thank you for the details. Sadly the nor the official installation & activation guide mentions that.

Will it be OK if I open a PR with a link to the official type support guide?

svengreb commented 2 years ago

@haroun PRs are always welcome, but like described in the linked comment this is simply out of scope for this project. I know that it might be hard to understand for users who are new to Unix/GNU/Linux tooling, but adding instructions and details about really each piece of the puzzle is absolutely exaggerated.

I'm running out of words to explain, but maybe imagine this: You searched and found a recipe you'd like to cook, but it does not contain a detailed guide how to use a fork nor how to use a steak knife and there are no information about every single type of kitchen knife in as much detail as a Wikipedia article. The scope of the recipe is to provide a list of required ingredients and the steps how to process them, but explaining such basics is absolutely out of scope.

This example can be reflected to the problem here: Users must know what dircolors is and that the ls commands are not bound to a specific shell at all but are simply basic external tool(s). Like you mentioned the page about the supported types also includes a information box at the top which basically shouldn't be part of the documentation either, but has been added to help at least to quickly get an idea how dircolors is working.

haroun commented 2 years ago

@svengreb that's good enough for me. Thank you.

I'll let @Stratos-Crimson close the issue if he or she considers the initial problem solved.

Stratos-Crimson commented 2 years ago

Thank you :)