nordtheme / gnome-terminal

An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant GNOME Terminal color theme.
MIT License
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Have to unset $LS_COLORS #22

Closed danstewart closed 6 years ago

danstewart commented 6 years ago


I need to add export LS_COLORS="" to my .bashrc to allow the nord colors to apply when using ls --color. I'm using Fedora 27.

Have I done something wrong or is this something that can be added to the install script?


arcticicestudio commented 6 years ago

This sounds like a problem with your LS_COLORS setup or your're also affected by the problem reported in #19. Can you please test if it works when your're following the instructions posed in #19?

danstewart commented 6 years ago

I tried

export GIO_EXTRA_MODULES=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gio/modules

but no luck.

This also fixes the issue: dircolors -p > ~/.dircolors From this AskUbuntu question.

Also found this question on ask.fedoraproject. Looks like Fedora uses /etc/DIR_COLORS.256color

arcticicestudio commented 6 years ago

Right now I don't know if we're talking about the same :smile: This theme only sets the colors that are available for the shell to use. It does not modify the colors for the ls command, that's the part of the Nord dircolors theme.

danstewart commented 6 years ago

I'm just dense and didn't realise they were separate things, thanks for the help :smile: