nordtheme / nord

An arctic, north-bluish color palette.
MIT License
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Port for Plasma 5 #29

Open spegoraro opened 7 years ago

spegoraro commented 7 years ago

It would be great to have a Plasma 5 theme for this. As the palette isn't too far from the default Breeze theme it shouldn't be too hard to port. Here is a very rough first attempt at one.


arcticicestudio commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your proposal and the startup code 👍 I'll add the KDE port project to #18 and @-mention you as soon as I start working on it in the backlog ticket so you can track the progress or contribute ideas for this port project.

This proposal can be mapped to the answer I've posted in #11 for a GTK+ port project, but in this case I would use the awesome Arc as the codebase which links to an unofficial Arc KDE port project.

Please note that it may take some time because there are many tickets with requests and other proposals in the queue. Also take into account that I work as a software developer in the "real world" and I hope you understand that the time to work on my projects may vary depending on my freetime. :octocat:

s5bug commented 6 years ago

@spegoraro Your link is broken now, for some reason.

What I've attempted (and mostly failed) to do recently is port Materia-kvantum and edit the colors.

This was done with a bit of copying and a few Find+Replaces in gedit which is why it is half baked, but it's a starting point.

Example screenshot:

Example screenshot of nemo

trgeiger commented 5 years ago

I'm nearing a first working version of a Kvantum theme. I'll post it when I get to a place where it's fully consistent, but I was wondering you could share some of your initial UI style guide thoughts so I can either change what I already have or implement some of it?

s5bug commented 5 years ago

I did this a long time ago, but in practicality I followed the rules laid out by the comments in the CSS file.

trgeiger commented 5 years ago

Ah that's what I did as well. But are you also @arcticicestudio? I was referencing the internal UI style guide they said they were working on.

s5bug commented 5 years ago

Haha, no I'm not :sweat_smile: sorry for the confusion

arcticicestudio commented 5 years ago

@sorenbug @trgeiger Thanks a lot for your contributions, these are great starting points for an official port project and will help other users in the meantime to use Nord for Plasma 5. UI design guidelines/system are still on the TODO list, but unfortunately there's way to less spare time to work on these. The absolute main focus are currently the official Nord website and documentations that'll serve as the single source of truth for all Nord projects and information that might include a syntax/UI design system later on. This means that there is no time for work on other port projects at the moment, but after the initial launch the focus will finally switch to resolve all open tickets.

By the way, @arcticicestudio is currently only one person. I wanted some kind of organization when I started to develop OSS to separate it from my private/job projects, might be a bit confusing sometimes :wink:

trgeiger commented 5 years ago

I totally understand! For now, I'll just keep hacking away at it and base the UI stuff off of the Docs website and other port projects like the VSCode theme.

By the way, the Docs site looks really great so far! Looking forward to its completion. If there's any way that contributors can help out, I'd love to contribute.

dwaldeck commented 5 years ago

Hi people Found this on reddit which led me to this project: An existing Plasma theme was customised to use the Nord pallette.

The code for the Plasma colours settings are here:

I realise that this might not conform to the UI guidelines that are to come, but might help in the meantime.

None of this is my work, credit to jks880 on reddit.

travankor commented 4 years ago

Would be nice to use/copy KvMojave from Kvantum with the brushed-metal effect and change it to a frosted glaze effect.

With kvantum, this should work for all QT5/QT6 applications everywhere, as opposed to only KDE.