nordtheme / nord

An arctic, north-bluish color palette.
MIT License
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Rofi, Dunst theme? #98

Open Mauladen opened 6 years ago

Mauladen commented 6 years ago

At the moment I'm using BSPWM. As an application launcher, I use Rofi As applications for notification Dunst

I could easily make ports for those applications, but will they be included formally in the project?

lokesh-krishna commented 6 years ago

I actually have the same setup as you @Mauladen and I even have Nord colors on them.
Here are links to the same:

Not sure how closely they follow the guidelines regarding UI though.

Mauladen commented 6 years ago

@lokesh-krishna Thank you, I used your configs to create my own

arcticicestudio commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your contribution 👍

Sorry for the delay, I've had no free time (job :man_health_worker:, study :book:, life :weight_lifting_man: etc.) to work on my or any other :octocat: OSS project (see Tweets :bird: from April and June), but from the beginning of July I finished my studies and can finally spend time on OSS again :green_heart:

I've added it to the backlog and @-mention you as soon as I start working on it so you can track the progress or contribute ideas for this port project.

Please note that it may take some time because there are many other issues over many other port projects with requests and proposals waiting in the queue. I'm currently also very busy on working and prototyping on the nord-docs to finally have a „single source of truth“ for Nord and all related data. Please also take into account that I work as a software developer in the "real world" and I hope you understand that the time to work on my projects may vary depending on my freetime. :octocat:

ghost commented 3 years ago

Nice, are there ports available now for rofi and dunst?