Open astier opened 4 years ago
Could you please provide a minimal example Vim configuration to reproduce the problem?
Also please make sure you've set the cursorline
option which is responsible for enabling the highlighting of the current line the cursor is at.
cal plug#begin('~/.local/share/nvim/plugins')
Plug 'arcticicestudio/nord-vim'
cal plug#end()
colorscheme nord
se cul nu
With cursorline
enabled as defined above it does work as expected. However, if you turn the cursorline off than the curentlinenr only gets highlighted when rnu
is set. I think it hould be consistent and highlight the linenr in both cases even when cursorline is off.
se cul
hi clear CursorLine
hi cursorlinenr guifg=bold
this is how i am fixing it
Thank you for your patience! 🙏🏼 It‘s been a while since I had free time to focus more on Nord, and my open source projects in general, and invest time in this issue due to work-life balance.
I recently published the first “Northern Post — The state and roadmap of Nord“ announcement which includes all details about the plans and future of the Nord project, including the goal of catching up with the backlog. This issue is part of the backlog and therefore I want to triage and process it to get one step closer to a “clean state“. Read the announcement about reaching the “clean“ contribution triage state in Nord‘s discussions for more details about the goal.
Therefore it has been added to the queue in the central and single-source-of-truth project board that is also described in more detail in the roadmap announcement.
@astier Feel free to go ahead and submit a pull request to implement the same style like for non-relative line numbers. Of course anyone else can do so too, otherwise I‘ll plan it in as soon as ports are being processed again.
What's the expectation for appearance -- when you say current line number higlighted, do you mean like this?
I don't use it anymore. Can be closed.
The current line number is not highlighted. It gets highlighted however when relativnumbers are turned on.