nordtheme / vim

An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Vim theme.
MIT License
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conceal color cannot be changed #211

Closed xarthurx closed 3 years ago

xarthurx commented 4 years ago

I'd like use the settings:

hi Conceal ctermfg=NONE
hi Conceal ctermbg=NONE
hi Conceal guifg=NONE
hi Conceal guibg=NONE

to make concealed chars and words similar to the background. And it seems there's a bug for this fantastic nord theme:

Nord: image

OceanicNext: image

There's an old issue posted here, but seems not resolved:

And I found some post here: kaicataldo/material.vim#12 for the 'material` theme, as they add some defined colour to the scheme.

Could we also do similar things for Nord?

pithuene commented 4 years ago

I was facing the same problem today but found a solution in Adding the following to my config resolved the weird highlighting.

au Colorscheme * hi! link Conceal Number

This is on macOS with Neovim in iTerm2 and the conceal is coming from vim-pandoc-syntax. Hope it helps.

xarthurx commented 4 years ago

@pithuene This is brilliant! Thanks and it works.

tpoisot commented 4 years ago

Just a heads up, this is not working for me on neovim / termite (conceal coming from the same package).

arcticicestudio commented 3 years ago

@xarthurx @pithuene @tpoisot Thanks for contributions :+1: The problem has been documented in #256 ⇄ #261 (⊶ f3f28b93) and will be shipped in version 0.16.0.

Thanks for your patience, the large amount of tasks for the Nord project are really time consuming and free time is kind of rare.