nordtheme / vim

An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Vim theme.
MIT License
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Comments are too dark #227

Closed pr3c0g closed 3 years ago

pr3c0g commented 3 years ago

Hi all, love this theme!

It looks like the comments are too dark. Also, looking at your screenshots, your comments seem to be brighter than mine.

Comparission: My NERDTree: image Your NERDTree: image

I changed the line let s:nord3_term on file nord.vim to other numbers but I can't get a brighter grey, only other colors. What do these numbers correspond.

I'm running OSX, NVIM v0.4.4, and I have nord-vim installed via Vundle and updated (going to the folder shows develop branch, commit ea7ff9c343392ec6dfac4e9ec3fe0c45afb92a40)

Thank your for the help and sorry if I misinterpreted something!

aduros commented 3 years ago

+1, comments seem pretty hard to read out of the box.

You can change it from black to darkgray by putting this in your config (after setting the colorscheme): highlight Comment ctermfg=darkgray

You might need to add more highlight groups if NERDTree uses something other than Comment.

I like to also make comments italic by adding cterm=italic to that line.

arcticicestudio commented 3 years ago

Hi @pr3c0g :wave:

In order to ensure the problem is related to the Nord theme you need to reproduce it with a minimal and clean configuration. This can be done by creating new configuration file with any name (e.g. testrc) and run Vim with the following command: vim -u testrc For me as a theme author it is not possible to know if the theme is the root cause of the problem when there are other attributes set in the configuration because each one might break the theme.

Here's an minimal test configuration you can use to try to reproduce the problem (supposed you're using vim-plug):

call plug#begin(expand('~/.vim/plugged'))
Plug 'arcticicestudio/nord-vim'
call plug#end()

set nocompatible
if (has("termguicolors"))
  set termguicolors

syntax enable
colorscheme nord

As you can see in the example configuration I've added the termguicolors settings which could be one reason why the color is not rendered correctly. This is because, like described in arcticicestudio/nord#94, the actual color palette hasn't changed but only ports that are targeted to applications with syntax highlighting. The *_term attributes make use of the colors that are provided by the terminal color scheme which might be iTerm2 or in your case . The *_gui variables on the other side are used when Vim runs in GUI mode and when the termguicolors is set and the terminal supports “true colors“ (24bit).

@pr3c0g Could you please try to either use the example configuration or set the termguicolors setting in your current configuration and check whether the brightened comment color is then displayed correctly?

Unfortunately terminal colors are quite complex due to their long history, but modern terminal emulators should be all capable of rendering "True Colors". You should make sure to check out the great “Terminal Colors“ gist that provides many details about color rendering in terminal emulators, tracking of supported terminal emulator projects and answers to common confusions about terminal colors. The “Colours in terminal“ gist is also quite helpful to learn more about the actual rendering engines and standards used by these terminal emulators. There are also a lot of blog posts like this and [this] one that help to handle different use case with various terminal emulators in combination with different CLI and TUI applications.

pr3c0g commented 3 years ago

Hi there!

Thank you very much for your very detailed response!

Setting termguicolors makes the colors like they should be, hence solving the issue for me :)

arcticicestudio commented 3 years ago

@pr3c0g Nice to see it works for you now 👍🏼

@aduros If you also encountered the problem, but the described solution above doesn't works for you please open a new issue.