nordtheme / vim

An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Vim theme.
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Highligted words in visual mode are invisible in neovim #347

Open jonassvedas opened 1 year ago

jonassvedas commented 1 year ago


I am running WSL2 + windows terminal + nvim v0.9.1 and the following plugins. image

hoelter commented 1 year ago

It appears there may be direct way to target this state, but there is a workaround to set the "Search" higlight group to reverse, and flip the fg/bg. This means that the search higlight will persist and appear the same even when selected in visual mode.

Fix would look like this: image

jonassvedas commented 1 year ago

image Setting the configuration for nord theme to the above did not change anything for me. Was this the intended fix?

hoelter commented 1 year ago

Apologies for the confusion, the screenshot was only inteded to show that with the described fix, the highlighting persists even when the line is selected in visual mode.

The fix should be done to the nord plugin itself, but you can override the highlight group in your own config in the meantime. Somewhere after the line where you declare the color as nord, put this to modify the "Search" higlight group: hi! Search guifg=#88C0D0 guibg=#3B4252 ctermfg=6 ctermbg=0 gui=reverse term=reverse

bickman commented 4 months ago

2024-05-12-001731 change nord.vim hi("Visual", "",s:nord2_gui,"", s:nord1_term,"","") to hi("Visual", "NONE",s:nord2_gui,"NONE", s:nord1_term,"","") work for me.