Closed lynnaloo closed 10 years ago!home - I had the spelling way off
I forgot two upcoming events:
Start Norfolk - this weekend we have the promo code 'user' Also, there is this: It's a pretty cool free workshop by one of the core Debian contributors. xTuple opened it up to the public (was originally part of xTuplecon)
Updates are done.
Thank you!
Info for slides:
Slide for Zack/Hatch/StartNorfolk (sponsor) Slide for 80/20 (sponsor)
Upcoming announcements: October meetup (This is Mike McNeal from Balderdash on the 21st (Travis can talk about this) November Beer.js Dominion/Code for Hampton Roads Hack-a-thon (Stanley will speak about this) Popup Robots info (Brandon) Raffles (books and a few t-shirts)
Anything else that we need to mention?