norfolkjs / logistics

Organization of Meetups, etc..
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December Agenda Items #57

Closed bmf closed 9 years ago

bmf commented 9 years ago

Please leave all agenda items here so I can get them on the slides for the Dec 15th meetup. Thank you.

lynnaloo commented 9 years ago

Maybe we should put the raffle before the speaker so that we can do it quickly before people start leaving at the end of the QA?

qwo commented 9 years ago

I had some thoughts about introducing an intermission for a break somewhere between the end of a speakers talk or hour in depending and possibly doing the raffle then.

It lets people who need to leave early exit and also grab food/drinks/bathroom. We can fill this time with the raffle. Most presentations have ended up 50% presentation and 50% Q/A recently but most people who show up stay at least to end of presentation.

tjwebb commented 9 years ago

Maybe we should put the raffle before the speaker

The raffle always devolves into us just throwing stuff at whoever wants it. We could possibly give something to everyone who asks a question. I can't think of any other sensible freebie distribution algorithm besides randomness or first-come-first-serve.

I had some thoughts about

Maybe we could discuss this in a new issue? I'm also not sure how much of a problem this actually is.

lynnaloo commented 9 years ago

The reason I brought it up here is because I want it to have a slide for this meeting, but we can discuss it in another issue and come back to this. I don't think we can ask that the speaker stop in the middle of their presentation. If we continue with after, then someone (with a louder voice than me) needs to announce it immediately after the speaker. The reason it devolves is because after the speaker finishes, people get up to leave or get beer and we're like, "oh wait, we forgot the raffle!"

I would like the this to be more organized since we have so many people and especially as we get some better swag. There has been some grumbling to me every time we just kind of throw stuff out randomly. The people who are quiet or farther in the back tend to lose out. I think using the Meetup randomizer just seems more fair. If it really appears that no one cares, or we're not getting decent prizes, then we can put the books on a table and tell people to take what they need.

bmf commented 9 years ago

Add Slack channel info so members can sign up.

lynnaloo commented 9 years ago

The PHP group is going to come to this meetup as well (they also did a Travis-CI talk recently) and they'd like to introduce themselves and quickly tell everyone when/where they meet. Tyler Swayne wil be representing them.

lynnaloo commented 9 years ago

Upcoming Events:

January 19th - JavaScript ES6 with Travis Webb and Kevin Griffin.

February 17th - Sharpen Your Saw (Part 2) with Steve Hackbarth. This will be at the Chrysler Museum to promote their "Art of Video Games" exhibit, which opens February 13th.

lynnaloo commented 9 years ago

@bmf - Our food/venue sponsors tomorrow are and If you switch over to @tjwebb and I while you're doing the announcements, we can talk a little bit about each of them. I put a logo on Meetup and in Dropbox.

lynnaloo commented 9 years ago

Since we're partnering with @757rb we want to put a Mermaid logo in there as well to get @metaskills and co. a shout out.

metaskills commented 9 years ago

Thank y'all so much!