norgepaul / TChromeTabs

Comprehensive Delphi implementation of Chrome's tab system
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XE8 ChromeTabsDemo compile error #31

Closed bdwilton closed 8 years ago

bdwilton commented 8 years ago

Hey, Just compiling under XE8 (not update 1 yet) and get the following errors when compiling the Demo

[dcc32 Error] frmMainU.pas(44): E2004 Identifier redeclared: 'System.Actions' [dcc32 Fatal Error] ChromeTabsDemoXE8.dpr(5): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'frmMainU.pas'

Just for further detail it has some warnings with the {$ifend} saying Legacy consider changing to $ENDIF or enable $LEGACYIFEND

All minor issues but thought I'd mention them.

norgepaul commented 8 years ago

This should now be fixed