norgepaul / TChromeTabs

Comprehensive Delphi implementation of Chrome's tab system
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Issues inheriting form with TChromeTabs #41

Closed djjd47130 closed 3 years ago

djjd47130 commented 8 years ago

I'm working on a project which consists of inheriting a base form into different implementations. This base form has a TChromeTabs control on it. If in design-time, I don't add any tabs, all is fine. The problems start when I add tabs to the base form's tab control. When opening the inheriting forms, when I go to save the inherited form, the IDE gives me an error:

Cannot assign a TChromeTab to a TChromeTab.

And upon this event, also all the tabs disappear from the inherited form, and only one single blank tab shows. I'm ultimately unable to save such a form where the tab control was inherited from an ancestor form, and that ancestor form had tabs in it during design-time.

djjd47130 commented 8 years ago

Similar issues occur in the same situation of inherited tabs, and at least one or more inherited forms are open in the IDE. For example, uContentBase (contains tabs) and uContentInherited (inherits tabs) are open at the same time, and I make changes to the tabs in the content base - but then the inherited one begins raising the same error when attempting to work with it.