norgepaul / TChromeTabs

Comprehensive Delphi implementation of Chrome's tab system
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Missing ColorToRGB calls in function ColorBetween in ChromeTabsUtils #88

Closed jprse closed 3 years ago

jprse commented 3 years ago

ColorBetween is working with TColor values, assuming they are RGB values when, in fact, they might be SysColor values. Calls to ColorToRGB needs to be added. My local change is:

function ColorBetween(const ColorA, ColorB: TColor; const Percent: Integer): TColor;
  R1, G1, B1: Byte;
  R2, G2, B2: Byte;
  LColorA := ColorToRGB(ColorA);
  LColorB := ColorToRGB(ColorB);
  R1 := GetRValue(LColorA);
  G1 := GetGValue(LColorA);
  B1 := GetBValue(LColorA);
  R2 := GetRValue(LColorB);
  G2 := GetGValue(LColorB);
  B2 := GetBValue(LColorB);
  Result := RGB(Percent * (R2 - R1) div 100 + R1, Percent * (G2 - G1) div 100 + G1,
      Percent * (B2 - B1) div 100 + B1);
landrix commented 3 years ago
