I had been using EasySIMBL without problems until I've had to install a new application (Devonthink) that apparently uses the same libraries as SIMBL and AFLOAT. I uninstalled these two, but Devonthink is still crashing on the same issue, and the console shows stuff like this:
objc[14891]: Class BGHUDTextFieldCell is implemented in both /Applications/DEVONthink Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/BGHUDAppKit.framework/Versions/A/BGHUDAppKit and /Users/Gaizka/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/Afloat.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Afloat. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Devonthink don't know how to fix it. Have you got an idea why the webkit is still referring to SIMBL after it's been uninstalled? I had also removed the /Library entries for SIMBL. I'd appreciate if you could give me your opinion.
I had been using EasySIMBL without problems until I've had to install a new application (Devonthink) that apparently uses the same libraries as SIMBL and AFLOAT. I uninstalled these two, but Devonthink is still crashing on the same issue, and the console shows stuff like this:
Devonthink don't know how to fix it. Have you got an idea why the webkit is still referring to SIMBL after it's been uninstalled? I had also removed the /Library entries for SIMBL. I'd appreciate if you could give me your opinion.