normal-computing / posteriors

Uncertainty quantification with PyTorch
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pytorch + transformers versions to run the continual learning example #103

Open thangbui opened 2 weeks ago

thangbui commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the great library.

There seems to be an incompatibility issue with the latest torch.func and transformers as the continual learning example no longer works. The error I got was RuntimeError: vmap: inplace arithmetic(self, *extra_args) is not possible because there exists a Tensor other in extra_args that has more elements than self.

Have you seen this error and if yes, do you have a workaround, and if no, could you share the versions of pytorch and transformers used for the public example?

SamDuffield commented 1 week ago

Hi!! Yes torch.func can be a bit brittle to updates to transformers which is annoying and out of our hands a bit 😢 😢

I'll try again and see if I can replicate your error to see which specific part of transformers is breaking

However, the continual LoRA experiment has an environment.yml file specifying all the package versions we used - hope that works!!