normandmickey / skill-internet-radio

Mycroft Internet Radio Skill
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Specify station names? #2

Open chowbok opened 6 years ago

chowbok commented 6 years ago

Hi... this is working great for me, but it's a little weird to have to divide my favorite stations into "rock", "country", "Christmas", etc. Any possibility of just making it so I can say the station's name or some other arbitrary text to make it play?

normandmickey commented 6 years ago

I am actually building this feature into the latest version with a command called "hark".

The short answer is yes it will be available soon. Do you have any particular stations in mind? Let me know what they are so I can do some testing.

The long answer is... My intention was to query an API like Tune In or Dirble to retreive station urls by name or call letters. For example you could say "hark WCMF" and Mycroft would play a station near me out of Rochester NY. After some testing I found it was better to build and host my own station database and API. This will give me the most control over the keywords to use.

chowbok commented 6 years ago

Sounds good! Here's some stations I would want:

Let me know if I can help with testing. Thanks for the fast response!