normanmaurer / netty-in-action

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WebSocket Client not connecting to server #7

Open YatinGrover opened 10 years ago

YatinGrover commented 10 years ago

I followed the code exactly(netty-in-action) and from the client side(interface included in the code of chapter 11) i wasn't able to connect to the netty chatserver. the url i entered was ws://localhost:9099 in the client browser interface and it couldn't connect image

the server code is taken from

and the client interface is taken from

zcourts commented 10 years ago

Can you screenshot the Firefox JavaScript console to show what errors/messages are printed?

ddossot commented 9 years ago

I can see from the screenshot that the HTML is having issues: see the !doctype html> bit in the top left corner? Maybe this prevented the WS client code to start properly.