north-road / qgis-processing-saga-nextgen

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update command description #25

Closed disarticulate closed 9 months ago

disarticulate commented 1 year ago

qgis "saga_cmd" uses the first line "Flow Accumulation (One Step)" as the third arg; uses the second line "terrain analysis" as the first arg; and saga can interpret the command

call saga_cmd terrain_analysis "Flow Accumulation (One Step)" -DEM "C:/tmp/processing_IFOggb/9e9bc0a2c1d54316ba69daf65f2173e8/20221031ULTIMATEEPXDEVELOPMENT.sgrd" -PREPROCESSING 1 -FLOW_ROUTING 4 -TCA "C:/tmp/processing_IFOggb/32c96b8f8d004460a0f5a2dce4c2348f/TCA.sdat" -SCA "C:/tmp/processing_IFOggb/99f37c3903354678bb3a0e8551e53d0f/SCA.sdat"


SAGA Version: 7.8.2 (64 bit)

library path: C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS32~2.0\apps\saga\tools\toolchains\
library name: ta_flow_accumulation
library : terrain_analysis
tool : Flow Accumulation (One Step)
identifier : ta_flow_accumulation
author : O.Conrad (c) 2019
processors : 16 [16]

Loading grid: C:/tmp/processing_IFOggb/9e9bc0a2c1d54316ba69daf65f2173e8/20221031ULTIMATEEPXDEVELOPMENT.sgrd...


Grid System: 0.999235; 1038x 2787y; 3850.330217x 2174.796722y
Flow Accumulation:
Specific Catchment Area:
Preprocessing: Sink Removal
Flow Routing: Multiple Flow Direction

Sink Removal

Run Tool: Sink Removal


Grid System: 0.999235; 1038x 2787y; 3850.330217x 2174.796722y
Sink Route: <not set>
Preprocessed DEM:
Method: Fill Sinks
Threshold: false

number of processed sinks: 110
Initializing direction matrix...

Run Tool: Flow Accumulation (Top-Down)


Grid System: 0.999235; 1038x 2787y; 3850.330217x 2174.796722y
Elevation: 20221031ULTIMATEEPXDEVELOPMENT [no sinks]
Sink Routes: <not set>
Weights: <not set>
Flow Accumulation: Flow Accumulation
Input for Mean over Catchment: <not set>
Material for Accumulation: <not set>
Step: 1
Flow Accumulation Unit: cell area
Flow Path Length: <not set>
Channel Direction: <not set>
Loss through Negative Weights: <not set>
Method: Multiple Flow Direction
Thresholded Linear Flow: false
Convergence: 1.100000

Run Tool: Flow Width and Specific Catchment Area


Grid System: 0.999235; 1038x 2787y; 3850.330217x 2174.796722y
Elevation: 20221031ULTIMATEEPXDEVELOPMENT [no sinks]
Flow Width:
Total Catchment Area (TCA): Flow Accumulation
Specific Catchment Area (SCA): Specific Catchment Area
Method: Aspect

Saving grid: C:/tmp/processing_IFOggb/99f37c3903354678bb3a0e8551e53d0f/SCA.sdat...
nyalldawson commented 9 months ago

This was included in