north / generator-style-prototype

Yeoman Generator for Style Prototypes
362 stars 49 forks source link

Paths of folders (images, pages...) are // on build or export commands #44

Closed GenevieveDupuis closed 10 years ago

GenevieveDupuis commented 10 years ago

So my links for pages and images dont work because its looking for the files at the root of my computer or domaine and my folder is not there. Is it a bug or can I change it somewhere?

I'm on Maverick, and this is what the command in the guidelines for contributing gives me:

darwin { http_parser: '1.0',
  node: '0.10.25',
  v8: '',
  ares: '1.9.0-DEV',
  uv: '0.10.23',
  zlib: '1.2.3',
  modules: '11',
  openssl: '1.0.1e' }
'use strict';
var os = require('os');
var _ = require('underscore');
var _s = require('underscore.string');
var modRewrite = require('connect-modrewrite');
var Handlebars = require('handlebars');
var iniparser = require('iniparser');

// Handlebars Helpers for component templating
Handlebars.registerHelper('slugify', function(input) {
  return _s.slugify(input);
Handlebars.registerHelper('capitalize', function(input) {
  return _s.capitalize(input);
Handlebars.registerHelper('uppercase', function(input) {
  return input.toUpperCase();
Handlebars.registerHelper('aspect', function(object, aspect) {
  return _s.slugify(object) + '--' + _s.slugify(aspect).toUpperCase();
Handlebars.registerHelper('element', function(object, element) {
  return _s.slugify(object) + '--' + _s.slugify(element).toLowerCase();
Handlebars.registerHelper('flatten', function (input, separator) {
  if (typeof(input) === 'object') {
    input =;
    if (separator !== 'space') {
      return input.join(', ');
    else {
      return input.join(' ');
  else {
    return input;

module.exports = function (grunt) {

  // Import Grunt Configuration
  // Combine with System options
  var deepmerge = require('deepmerge');
  var userConfig = grunt.file.readYAML('config.yml');
  userConfig = deepmerge(userConfig, grunt.file.readJSON('.system.json'));
  userConfig = deepmerge(userConfig, grunt.file.readJSON('.extension.json'));

  grunt.userConfig = userConfig;

  // Slugs and Stuff
  grunt.userConfig.clientSlug = _s.slugify(;
  grunt.userConfig.clientCamelCase = _s.camelize(grunt.userConfig.clientSlug);
  grunt.userConfig.clientCamelCase = grunt.userConfig.clientCamelCase.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + grunt.userConfig.clientCamelCase.slice(1);

  // Asset Paths 
  var imagesDir = userConfig.assets.imagesDir;
  var cssDir = userConfig.assets.cssDir;
  var sassDir = userConfig.assets.sassDir;
  var jsDir = userConfig.assets.jsDir;
  var fontsDir = userConfig.assets.fontsDir;
  var componentsDir = userConfig.assets.componentsDir;

  // Generator Configuration
  var pagesDir = userConfig.generator.pagesDir;
  var templatesDir = userConfig.generator.templatesDir;
  var partialsDir = userConfig.generator.partialsDir;

  var helpers = userConfig.generator.helpers;
  helpers = require('./' + helpers);

  // Server Configuration
  var port = userConfig.server.port;
  var lrport = port + 1;
  var wnport = port + 2;
  var root = userConfig.server.root;
  var hostname = 'localhost';
  var remoteDebug = false;
  if (userConfig.server.remoteAccess) {
    hostname = '*';
    remoteDebug = true;
  var remoteHost = os.networkInterfaces();
  for (var dev in remoteHost) {
    var alias = 0;
    remoteHost[dev].forEach(function (details) {
      if ('IPv4') {
        if (dev === 'en0') {
          remoteHost = details.address;

  var firstSection = userConfig.sections;
  for (var a in firstSection) {
    if (typeof(firstSection[a]) === 'string') {
      firstSection = firstSection[a];
      if (firstSection.indexOf('.html', firstSection.length - 5) === -1) {

        firstSection += '/';

  // Compass Configuration
  var debugInfo = userConfig.compass.debugInfo;
  var extensions = [];
  _.forEach(userConfig.compass.dependencies, function(v, e) {
  if (userConfig.compass.importOnce === true) {

  // Export Configuration
  var distPath = userConfig.export.distPath;
  var exportPath = userConfig.export.path;
  var assetPrefix = '';

  // Github Configuration
  var gh_commit = userConfig.git.defaultCommit;
  var gh_upstream = userConfig.git.deployUpstream;
  var gh_deploy = userConfig.git.deployBranch;

  // Base URL
  var baseURL = '/';

  if (grunt.file.exists('.git/config')) {
    var git = iniparser.parseSync('.git/config') || false;
    var gitURL = git['remote "' + userConfig.git.deployUpstream + '"'].url;
    if (gitURL.indexOf('') >= 0) {
      gitURL = gitURL.replace('', '');
      gitURL = gitURL.split('/');
      gitURL[1] = gitURL[1].replace('.git', '');
      baseURL = 'http://' + gitURL[0].toLowerCase() + '' + gitURL[1] + '/';
      assetPrefix = gitURL[1];

  //Grunt Config
    // Development Server
    connect: {
      server: {
        options: {
          port: port,
          base: root,
          hostname: hostname,
          middleware: function (connect, options) {
            return [
                '^/$ /' + firstSection

    // Watch Task
    watch: {
      options: {
        livereload: lrport
      html: {
        files: [
          pagesDir + '/**/*.html',
          pagesDir + '/**/*.md',
          pagesDir + '/**/*.yml',
          partialsDir + '/**/*.html',
          templatesDir + '/**/*.html',
          '!' + templatesDir + '/components/**/*.html',
          helpers + '.js'
        tasks: ['generator:dev']
      generatedComponents: {
        files: [
          templatesDir + '/components/**/*.html',
      templatesDir + '/layouts/**/*.html',
    tasks: ['create-components', 'create-layouts']
      js: {
        files: [
          jsDir + '/**/*.js',
          '!' + jsDir + '/**/*.min.js'
        tasks: ['jshint', 'uglify:dev']
      images: {
        files: [imagesDir + '/**/*'],
        tasks: ['copy:dev']
      fonts: {
        files: [fontsDir + '/**/*'],
        tasks: ['copy:dev']
      components: {
        files: [componentsDir + '/**/*'],
        tasks: ['copy:dev']
      css: {
        files: [root + '/' + cssDir + '/**/*.css'],
        tasks: ['csslint']
      config: {
        files: [
        tasks: ['generator:dev']

    // Generator Task
    generator: {
      dev: {
        files: [{
          cwd: pagesDir,
          src: ['**/*'],
          dest: root,
          ext: '.html'
        options: {
          partialsGlob: [partialsDir + '/**/*.html', partialsDir + '/**/*.md'],
          templates: templatesDir,
          handlebarsHelpers: helpers,
          userConfig: userConfig,
          environment: 'dev',
          development: true,
          lrport: lrport,
          wnport: wnport,
          remoteDebug: remoteDebug,
          assets: ''
      dist: {
        files: [{
          cwd: pagesDir,
          src: ['**/*'],
          dest: distPath,
          ext: '.html'
        options: {
          partialsGlob: [partialsDir + '/**/*.html', partialsDir + '/**/*.md'],
          templates: templatesDir,
          handlebarsHelpers: helpers,
          userConfig: userConfig,
          environment: 'prod',
          development: false,
          assets: '/' + assetPrefix

    // Compass Task
    compass: {
      options: {
        sassDir: sassDir,
        require: extensions,
        relativeAssets: true,
        importPath: componentsDir,
        debugInfo: debugInfo,
        bundleExec: true
      dev: {
        options: {
          imagesDir: root + '/' + imagesDir,
          cssDir: root + '/' + cssDir,
          javascriptsDir: root + '/' + jsDir,
          fontsDir: root + '/' + fontsDir,
          environment: 'development',
          watch: true
      dist: {
        options: {
          imagesDir: distPath + '/' + imagesDir,
          cssDir: distPath + '/' + cssDir,
          javascriptsDir: distPath + '/' + jsDir,
          fontsDir: distPath + '/' + fontsDir,
          environment: 'production',
          force: true

    // JSHint Task
    jshint: {
      options: {
        jshintrc: '.jshintrc'
      all: [
        jsDir + '/{,**/}*.js',
        '!' + jsDir + '/{,**/}*.min.js'

    // CSS Lint
    csslint: {
      options: {
        csslintrc: '.csslintrc'
      all: [
        root + '/' + cssDir + '/{,**/}*.css'

    // Image Min Task
    imagemin: {
      dist: {
        options: {
          optimizationLevel: 3
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          cwd: imagesDir,
          src: ['**/*.png', '**/*.jpg'],
          dest: distPath + '/' + imagesDir

    // SVG Min Task
    svgmin: {
      dist: {
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          cwd: imagesDir,
          src: '**/*.svg',
          dest: distPath + '/' + imagesDir

    // Uglify Task
    uglify: {
      dev: {
        options: {
          mangle: false,
          compress: false,
          beautify: true
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          cwd: jsDir,
          src: ['**/*.js', '!**/*.min.js'],
          dest: root + '/' + jsDir,
          ext: '.js'
      dist: {
        options: {
          mangle: true,
          compress: true
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          cwd: jsDir,
          src: ['**/*.js', '!**/*.min.js'],
          dest: distPath + '/' + jsDir,
          ext: '.js'

    // Copy Task
    copy: {
      dev: {
        files: [
            expand: true,
            cwd: fontsDir,
            src: ['**'],
            dest: root + '/' + fontsDir
            expand: true,
            cwd: imagesDir,
            src: ['**'],
            dest: root + '/' + imagesDir
            expand: true,
            cwd: componentsDir,
            src: ['**'],
            dest: root + '/' + componentsDir
      dist: {
        files: [
            expand: true,
            cwd: fontsDir,
            src: ['**'],
            dest: distPath + '/' + fontsDir
            expand: true,
            cwd: imagesDir,
            src: [
            dest: distPath + '/' + imagesDir
            expand: true,
            cwd: componentsDir,
            src: ['**'],
            dest: distPath + '/' + componentsDir
      ext: {
        files: [
            expand: true,
            cwd: sassDir,
            src: userConfig.extension.sass,
            dest: '.compass/stylesheets'
            expand: true,
            cwd: imagesDir,
            src: userConfig.extension.images,
            dest: '.compass/templates/project'
            expand: true,
            cwd: jsDir,
            src: userConfig.extension.js,
            dest: '.compass/templates/project'
            expand: true,
            cwd: fontsDir,
            src: userConfig.extension.fonts,
            dest: '.compass/templates/project'

    // Concat
    concat: {
      rb: {
        options: {
          process: true
        files: {
          '.compass/lib/la-cite-lp-style-guide.rb': ['.compass/.template/style-guide.rb']
      gemspec: {
        options: {
          process: true
        files: {
          '.compass/la-cite-lp-style-guide.gemspec': ['.compass/.template/style-guide.gemspec']

    // Parallel Task
    parallel: {
      assets: {
        options: {
          grunt: true
        tasks: ['imagemin', 'svgmin', 'uglify:dist', 'copy:dist', 'generator:dist']
      ext: {
        options: {
          grunt: true
        tasks: ['copy:ext', 'concat:rb', 'concat:gemspec']
      remote: {
        options: {
          grunt: true,
          stream: true
        tasks: ['parallel:watch', 'exec:weinre']
      remoteLaunch: {
        options: {
          grunt: true,
          stream: true
        tasks: ['parallel:watch', 'exec:weinre', 'exec:launch:' + remoteHost, 'exec:launch:' + remoteHost + ':' + wnport + ':client']
      watch: {
        options: {
          grunt: true,
          stream: true
        tasks: ['watch', 'compass:dev']

    // Exec Task
    exec: {
      launch: {
        cmd: function(host, prt, suffix) {
          prt = prt || port;
          suffix = suffix || '';
          return 'open http://' + host + ':' + prt + '/' + suffix;
      commit: {
        cmd: function(commit) {
          return 'git add ' + distPath + ' && git commit -m "' + commit + '" ' + distPath;
      tagMake: {
        cmd: 'git tag ' + userConfig.client.version
      tagPush: {
        cmd: 'git push --tags ' + userConfig.git.deployUpstream
      deploy: {
        cmd: 'git subtree push --prefix .dist ' + gh_upstream + ' ' + gh_deploy
      export: {
        cmd: function(path) {
          return 'cp -r ' + distPath + ' ' + path;
      ext: {
        cmd: 'cd .compass && bundle exec gem build la-cite-lp-style-guide.gemspec && mv la-cite-lp-style-guide-' + userConfig.client.version + '.gem ../la-cite-lp-style-guide-' + userConfig.client.version + '.gem && cd ..'
      install: {
        cmd: 'gem install la-cite-lp-style-guide-' + userConfig.client.version + '.gem && rm la-cite-lp-style-guide-' + userConfig.client.version + '.gem'
      weinre: {
        cmd: 'weinre --httpPort ' + wnport + ' --boundHost -all-'
      bundle: {
        cmd: function(path) {
          if (path === '.') {
            return 'bundle install';
          else {
            return 'cd ' + path + '/ && bundle install && cd ..';

    bump: {
      options: {
        files: [
        commit: userConfig.bump.commit,
        commitFiles: userConfig.bump.files,
        createTag: userConfig.bump.tag,
        push: userConfig.bump.push,
        pushTo: userConfig.git.deployUpstream


  grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath) {
    ], filepath);

  // Grunt Task Loads

  // Build Task
  grunt.registerTask('build', 'Production build', function() {
    var commit = grunt.option('commit');
    var deploy = grunt.option('deploy');
    var first = userConfig.sections[Object.keys(userConfig.sections)[0]];['parallel:assets', 'compass:dist', 'jshint']);

    //Ca c'est pour le index.html qui call le styletiles.html
    //var baseURL = '/';
    var baseURL = '';

    if (grunt.file.exists('.git/config')) {
      var git = iniparser.parseSync('.git/config') || false;
      var gitURL = git['remote "' + userConfig.git.deployUpstream + '"'].url;
      if (gitURL.indexOf('') >= 0) {
    gitURL = gitURL.replace('', '');
    gitURL = gitURL.split('/');
    gitURL[1] = gitURL[1].replace('.git', '');
    baseURL = 'http://' + gitURL[0].toLowerCase() + '' + gitURL[1] + '/';

    var redirect = "<!doctype html><html lang=\"en\"><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\" /><meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex\"><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL='" + baseURL + first + "/index.html'\"><title>" + + " Style Prototype</title></head><body></body></html>";

    grunt.file.write('./.dist/index.html', redirect);

    if (commit) {
      if (commit === true) {
        commit = gh_commit;
      }['exec:commit:' + commit]);

    if (deploy) {['exec:deploy']);


  // Tag Task
  grunt.registerTask('tag', 'Tags your release', function() {
    var push = grunt.option('push');'exec:tagMake');

    if (push) {'exec:tagPush');

  // Deploy Task
  grunt.registerTask('deploy', [

  // Export Task
  grunt.registerTask('export', 'Exports your build', function() {
    var path = grunt.option('to') || exportPath;

    if (grunt.file.exists(path)) {
      grunt.file.delete(path, {force: true});
      console.log('Folder `' + path + '` removed to ensure a clean build.');
    }'build', 'exec:export:' + path);

  // Server Task
  grunt.registerTask('server-init', [

  grunt.registerTask('server', 'Starts a development server', function() {

    var launch = grunt.option('launch');['bundler']);['create-components', 'create-layouts']);['server-init', 'connect']);

    if (hostname == '*') {['hostname']);
      if (launch) {['parallel:remoteLaunch']);
      else {['parallel:remote']);
    else {
      if (launch) {'exec:launch:localhost');

  // Hostname
  grunt.registerTask('hostname', 'Find Hostname', function() {
    console.log('Server available on local network at http://' + remoteHost + ':' + port);
    console.log('Remote inspector available on local network at http://' + remoteHost + ':' + wnport + '/client');

  // Update Bundler
  grunt.registerTask('bundler', 'Manages Development Dependencies', function(path) {
    path = path || '.';
    var gemfileContent = '# Pull gems from RubyGems\nsource ""\n';
    _.forEach(grunt.userConfig.compass.dependencies, function(v, e) {
      gemfileContent += 'gem "' + e + '", "' + v + '"\n';
    grunt.file.write(path + '/Gemfile', gemfileContent);['exec:bundle:' + path]);

  // Compass Extension
  grunt.registerTask('extension', 'Build your Compass Extension', function() {['bundler:.compass']);

    grunt.file.copy('bower.json', '.compass/templates/project/bower.json');
    grunt.file.copy('.editorconfig', '.compass/templates/project/editorconfig.txt');
    grunt.file.copy('.bowerrc', '.compass/templates/project/bowerrc.txt');
    grunt.file.copy('.jshintrc', '.compass/templates/project/jshintrc.txt');
    grunt.file.copy('.csslintrc', '.compass/templates/project/csslintrc.txt');

    // Add Styleguide to Gemfile
    var gemfile ='Gemfile');
    gemfile += '\ngem "bar-style-guide", "~>' + grunt.userConfig.client.version + '"';
    grunt.file.write('.compass/templates/project/Gemfile.txt', gemfile);['parallel:ext', 'exec:ext']);

    var install = grunt.option('install');

    if (install) {['exec:install']);

  // Create Items from Templates
  grunt.registerTask('create-components', 'Build real component from template', function() {['generate-items:components']);

  grunt.registerTask('create-layouts', 'Build real layout from template', function() {['generate-items:layouts']);

  grunt.registerTask('generate-items', 'Build real components from component templates', function(type) {

    var items = (type === 'components') ? grunt.userConfig.components : (type === 'layouts') ? grunt.userConfig.layouts : {};
    var typeSubstring = type.substr(0, type.length - 1);
    items = (items !== undefined) ? items : {};

    // Loop over each item in components
    _.forEach(items, function(v, e) {
      // Grab the template prefix for this component
      var tmpl = _s.slugify(e);
      // Check to see if the template exists, and if not, create it
      var tmplPath = 'templates/' + type + '/' + tmpl + '.html';
      if (!grunt.file.exists(tmplPath)) {
    var tmplContent = '<!-- ' + _s.capitalize(type) + ': {{capitalize ' + typeSubstring + '}},  Type: {{capitalize type}} -->';
        grunt.file.write(tmplPath, tmplContent);
      // Load the template from the templates directory
      var template =;
      // Create Holder Partial
      var partial = '<div class="' + typeSubstring + '-group--' + tmpl + '">' +
'\n\n  {{#if page.examples}}' +
'\n    {{{create-example-sass "' + tmpl + '" all true "' + type + '"}}}' +
'\n  {{/if}}' +
'\n  <ul ' + type + '-list>' +
'\n    {{#each options.grunt.userConfig.' + type + '.' + tmpl + '}}' +
'\n      <li>' +
'\n        {{{component "' + tmpl + '" this "' + type + '"}}}' +
'\n\n        {{#if ../page.examples}}' +
'\n          {{{create-example-html "' + tmpl + '" ../this "' + type + '"}}}' +
'\n          {{{create-example-sass "' + tmpl + '" ../this false "' + type + '"}}}' +
'\n        {{/if}}' +
'\n      </li>' +
'\n    {{/each}}' +
'\n  </ul>' +
      grunt.file.write('partials/' + type + '/' + typeSubstring + '-group--' + tmpl + '.html', partial);

      var basePath = 'sass/' + type + '/_' + tmpl + '.scss';
      var varsPath = 'sass/' + type + '/' + tmpl + '/_variables.scss';
      var mixinPath = 'sass/' + type + '/' + tmpl + '/_mixins.scss';
      var extendsPath = 'sass/' + type + '/' + tmpl + '/_extends.scss';

      var supportHeader = '//////////////////////////////' +
'\n// ' + _s.capitalize(e) + ' ' + _s.capitalize(type) + ' {{type}}' +
      var basePartial = '//////////////////////////////' +
'\n// ' + _s.capitalize(e) + ' ' + _s.capitalize(type) + '' +
'\n//' +
'\n// The partial and folder structure for this ' + type + ' should be as follows:' +
'\n// _' + tmpl + '.scss' +
'\n// ' + tmpl + ' (folder)' +
'\n//   _variables.scss' +
'\n//   _mixins.scss' +
'\n//   _extends.scss' +
'\n//' +
'\n// Automatic Sass parsing is done through special comment blocks' +
'\n//  - Start styling block for base ' + type + ': @{' + type + '}' +
'\n//  - End styling block for base ' + type + ':   {' + type + '}@' +
'\n//' +
'\n//  - Start styling block for specific ' + type + ' configuration: @{' + type + '--configuration}' +
'\n//  - End styling block for specific ' + type + ' configuration:   {' + type + '--configuration}@' +
'\n//////////////////////////////\n' +
'\n@import "' + tmpl + '/variables";' +
'\n@import "' + tmpl + '/mixins";' +
'\n@import "' + tmpl + '/extends";' +
'\n\n//////////////////////////////' +
'\n// Having $output-selectors and $output-selectors--' + tmpl + ' set to `true` will output the CSS selectors for ' + _s.capitalize(e) + '' + _s.capitalize(type) + '' +
'\n$output-selectors--' + tmpl + ': true !default;' +
'\n@if $output-selectors and $output-selectors--' + tmpl + '-' + typeSubstring + ' {' +
'\n//////////////////////////////' +
'\n\n//////////////////////////////' +
'\n// @{' + tmpl + '}' +
'\n// Styling for ' + _s.capitalize(e) + ' ' + _s.capitalize(type) + '' +
'\n\n// {' + tmpl + '}@' +

      if (!grunt.file.exists(mixinPath)) {
        grunt.file.write(mixinPath, supportHeader.replace('{{type}}', 'Mixins'));
      if (!grunt.file.exists(varsPath)) {
    grunt.file.write(varsPath, supportHeader.replace('{{type}}', 'Variables'));
      if (!grunt.file.exists(extendsPath)) {
    grunt.file.write(extendsPath, supportHeader.replace('{{type}}', 'Extendable Classes'));

      // Loop over each version of the component
      _.forEach(v, function(value, name) {
        var singleton = true;
        // If there are no properties to this component, set the name to the value
        if (typeof(name) === 'number') {
          name = value;
        // If the name is an object, pluck off its key
        if (typeof(name) === 'object') {
          singleton = false;
          name = Object.keys(name)[0];
          value = value[name];
        // Set up Name and Component Context
    var typeKey = typeSubstring;
    var typeVal = e;
    var context = JSON.parse('{"' + typeKey + '":"' + typeVal + '"}');
    context.type = name;
    // var context = {'type': name, typeSubstring: e};

        // Create comment for base partial if it the partial doesn't exist
        basePartial += '\n//////////////////////////////' +
'\n// @{' + tmpl + '--' + _s.slugify(name) + '}' +
'\n// ' + _s.capitalize(name) + ' styling for ' + _s.capitalize(e) + ' ' + _s.capitalize(type) + '' +
'\n\n// {' + tmpl + '--' + _s.slugify(name) + '}@' +

        if (!singleton) {
          // Loop over each property of the component
          _.forEach(value, function(p, k) {
            // Set up key context in Handlebars
            context[k] = p;
        // Compile the template through Handlebars
        var hbCompile = Handlebars.compile(template);
        // Write component to disk
    grunt.file.write('partials/' + type + '/' + tmpl + '/' + tmpl + '--' + _s.slugify(name) + '.html', hbCompile(context));
      // If the base partial doesn't exist, create it.
      basePartial += '}';
      if (!grunt.file.exists(basePath)) {
        grunt.file.write(basePath, basePartial);
Snugug commented 10 years ago

This recently came up in our internal work as well. Working on an update.

Snugug commented 10 years ago

This should no longer be an issue in 2.0